Well, as far as I can tell from his post, he's a script-kiddie (i.e.: No cracking skill whatsoever other than the infamous "cut/paste" methodology from vulnerability lists) and has no real skills at all.
From his "testing"...Nothing happened. Didn't work.Here's the thing - If people go around posting things that start with phrases such as "As a hacker..." or "I'm a hacker..." you can almost guarantee that they're not.
Actually, he is a hacker. It's easy to stop the basic exploit from working. But when you recode it completely to bypass a filter, the situation changes.
You should really be more careful about claiming someone is a script kiddy. If he thinks he's being challenged, he will find an exploit for your forums, if he spends a week or more doing it. So please, for the good of your forums, don't go around saying such stuff. If you have nothing better to do than insult people you don't even know, you should really get another hobby. Or four.
And don't worry. Your forums are safe from Lacertosum. But always remember to upgrade to the latest version, for security, and keep an eye on bugtraq, because the next time someone may be REALLY malicious.