Or maybe mod rewrite.

I have a site with a lot of static content (articles), and I use a single php header and footer to generate navigation. I'd like to put the content into a database but hopefully keep the original URLs, and introduce a user login, and comment facility. PunBB could do this pretty easily, actually ... my only worry is that PunBB's cms features won't be developed in future releases (because after all, it is a message board).

If I did use a different cms system, what would you recommend?

OK - thanks a lot for those suggestions. I'll see what I can manage.
Although I suppose this feature is not strictly a PunBB ("lean mean message board") priority, nevertheless, I do hope that there is more support for PunBB's cms and site integration possibilities in future versions.
(I'm sure I'm not the only one thinking this??)

At the moment, users online only displays users that are in the forum. Visitors to the home page (with a PUN_QUIET_VISIT) are not displayed correctly if they are guests.
Because of PunBB's powerful cms/news generator capabilities, I have integrated it through my site, and so I would love a way of displaying all users online, even if they are having a PUN_QUIET_VISIT.

Ok, so that sounds like a bad idea. Is there any way then of declaring PUN_QUIET_VISIT and calling include/common.php, and then, if I find the visit is from a guest, count them somehow? (and so have members successfully having a quiet visit).

If I want guests visiting my site (but not in the forum) to display properly in "users online", I would have to make their visit count as a visit to the forum (and not a PUN_QUIET_VISIT). However, this means that members who visit the home page will also have this visit counted as a visit to the forum (since I have to declare PUN_QUIET_VISIT before I know if the visit is from a guest or member).

Is there any particular disadvantage to doing this, other than the fact that the member's "last visit to forum date" could well be incorrect?

Thanks for any help!

I've tried downloading from http://punbb.org/svn/punbb/trunk/ using tortoiseSVN, but I always get:

Error: REPORT request failed on '/svn/punbb/!svn/bc/204/trunk/upload' 
Error: REPORT of '/svn/punbb/!svn/bc/204/trunk/upload': 400 Bad Request (http://punbb.org)

Any idea what I'm doing wrong? I can download manually from the url no problem.