(15 replies, posted in General discussion)

Are you sure that these spams are coming from registered accounts and not guests?

I had the same problem and I really thought that spamers were registered users (the confusion is possible because in other forums, only registered users have a link on their name).
in fact, my porblem was coming from the fact that my punbb forum has been created by converting a phpbb one.
In that case, in the table users, the guest group_id was equal to 4 instead of 3.

Because of this little mistake, guest posting is active even if you have set your permissions to authorize members posting only.

Thank you, you have solved my problem. My forum has been created by converting a phpbb forum and the Guest group_id was 4, not 3.

I changed the group_id and now it works fine.

No, they are all set to default.

My forum is here:


PunBB 1.2.12 is installed on my server.
Since a month, my forum receives a lot of spam and I just find out why:
Normally guests shouldn't be able to post or reply (screenshot: http://fabio.chelly.free.fr/guest.png).

But I tried to post while I'm not connected and it works.

I have a problem with some pages of my PunBB forum.

When I load some threads (especially the threads which contain many posts), some of the posts are repeated more than one time in the page. I can refresh the page, it doesn't change anything.
When I come back after a while, the problem has disappeared.

You can see the problem in this screenshot:

This thread has 20 answers and the screenshot shows #25 posts.

And the last message shown is not the real last one:
Many messages are shown more than one time and the last ones are not shown.

This problem appears very often just after I've posted a message.