didn't i write that? hm.. yes, that is easier and that is what i do wink
the 'script' i've used to convert index.php to viewboard.php has produced an error:
in viewboard.php in line 35 it changes
require PUN_ROOT.'lang/'.$pun_user['language'].'/index.php';
require PUN_ROOT.'lang/'.$pun_user['language'].'/viewboard.php';
, which is _wrong_. You have to set '/index.php' manually.
Let's see if i find more..

// edit:
the Administration-link (and some more i think) point to admin_viewboard.php now.
i should have been aware of that *lol*
just move admin_index.php to admin_viewboard.php, and don't care about the funny name.

next time i'll test the whole thing first, and then post here wink

hi all,

today i started to merge my self-written (php + mysql) homepage with PunBB. Merging means that i want to use one login and one layout/stylesheet for the whole page. Also the board has to be _completely_ integrated into the rest of the page, which means that virtually all files reside in one folder, except for those in subfolders.
First thing i did was to rename the punBB-index.php in viewboard.php, and to convert all the links.
Maybe the following helps somebody who tries the same:

for $filed in `find ./ -type d -print`; 
do cat $filed | sed -e "s/index.php/viewboard.php/" > $filed~; 
mv $filed~ $filed; 

In the next step i'll migrate the site's loginsystem (which is the one from phpBB...) to that of punBB. Any help will be appreciated, but at the moment i have no questions, and furthermore, i found some threads about this.

my homepage can be found under www.ein-elch.de, that is the odd old version. The new one, which is now in development can be found under new.ein-elch.de.

There are no technical questions at this time, but they'll come i think.
Is there somebody who tries the same thing?