I'm puzzled... on this, yes, more questions.
I want to get our plugins to be installed in the viewpoll area, but, I can't figure out how we'd add in the reputation mod, PM icon, and our colored usergroups mod in the polls. Any support on this?
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PunBB Forums → Posts by Nephets
I'm puzzled... on this, yes, more questions.
I want to get our plugins to be installed in the viewpoll area, but, I can't figure out how we'd add in the reputation mod, PM icon, and our colored usergroups mod in the polls. Any support on this?
I've had those. They are spambots.
Thanks, I used your advice as a template and added MARGIN-RIGHT: 0.4em
While in this topic... do you have any instant messengers I can communicate with you there? Instead of spamming up the boards (I have a few more questions about the forums, but not about the post indicators).
Now I added them, I tried adding a {padding-left: 13px;} code to it to space it a bit from the text, as you can see... it looks a bit crammed next to the text. What am I doing wrong, or is padding not the right code to do that?
Nevermind! Works now... wow, thanks for all of that help. Means a lot. Can't believe I overlooked all of that.
I appreciate the now quick help, but, even then, I added the semi colon and nothing happened to affect it.
I'm not putting the "px", but even when I did that didn't help matters. I filled in the height/width for them, but it did no good.
Main CSS sheet:
DIV.icon {
FLOAT: left;
MARGIN-TOP: 0.1em;
DISPLAY: block;
BORDER: none
WIDTH: 38;
HEIGHT : 17;
"Import Style" (or the color place):
DIV.icon {background-image: url(/sctech/forum/img/post2.png)}
TR.iredirect DIV.icon {background-image: url(/sctech/forum/img/post.png)}
TR.inew DIV.icon {background-image: url(/sctech/forum/img/post.png)}
And as you can see... still nothing.
I already did that, and that didn't change anything at all. The "same as image" being changed did nothing.
Okay, this is starting to anger me. Here's what I'm posting in the sections.
Main CSS sheet:
DIV.icon {
FLOAT: left;
MARGIN-TOP: 0.1em;
DISPLAY: block;
BORDER: none
WIDTH: same as image;
HEIGHT : same as image;
"Import Style" (or the color place):
DIV.icon {background-image: url(/sctech/forum/img/post2.png)}
TR.iredirect DIV.icon {background-image: url(/sctech/forum/img/post.png)}
TR.inew DIV.icon {background-image: url(/sctech/forum/img/post.png)}
What is going on here? And yes, I am rewriting what was originally there to be replaced in the same sections. I am using PunBB 1.2.6 if that helps matters.
Well, we did do it when we went to change it, but it came up as nothing, as the post indicator. So we took off what we had.
I just tried it again, and... nothing.
The urls I linked were linked to http://dcdstudios.net/sctech/post2.png and http://dcdstudios.net/sctech/post.png
I can't see why anybody isn't helping with this. It really doesn't seem that hard... but I sure can't figure it out.
I did all of that... but nothing is coming up... Are you sure you are telling me how to change the post status indicators in viewforum? The weird envelope things that are done in CSS?
As you know, the post indicators are CSSified whenever I want to make them two images. I read for a while and found nothing on the subject and experimented to try it, ending up in just mere black squares covering where the CSS indicator would be. How would I change the CSS indicator to images? I've asked before but I got no replies and all help would be appreciated here.
I am happy with our forums how they are, but I want a few little changes to them. Check it out here:
I find it humorous nobody ever helps when I ask questions.
Make it so that the reputation mod we installed and the colored usergroups mod show up on polls? Because the two mods (colors and reputation) does not show up in viewpoll topics.
Also, how would we make usergroup colors colored EVERYWHERE (not just linked inside of the topics or in who's online), I'm talking about also in viewforum, etc.
Yay, we replaced the files and it all works now. Nevermind.
Just to add info, I tried to do the miniportal, but erased the additions I added and restored it, if that helps matters. I don't know what happened to the post topic link at all.
Didn't work... no luck. :S
Any other ideas? help please?
http://www.sctech.dcdstudios.net/forum/ … m.php?id=9
Look inside one of our forums... and you will notice "post new topic" is gone, we have no idea what would have started this, as it worked a few hours ago... what happened do you think?
How would I change the new post indicator from that weird CSS generated diamond thing that gets darker with a new post to an image? I've been wondering this... I want one image being the "no new posts", and one being a "new posts' image. Help?
Yeah, well... IE and CSS are no good together.
Considering we dunno how to fix that for IE users... I dunno what we can do.
PunBB Forums → Posts by Nephets
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