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hcgtv wrote:See, you've been re-hired ![wink](
What's the pay like?
Rickard - I was just suggesting that you could put the 'best' examples of PunBB in the documentation. Topics in the Show Off forum seem to get alot of pageviews, and the majority of them are god-awful, so hgctv's "Showcase" idea is a good start.
It's related to your signature. Are you sure you havn't edited anything in base.css?
TFD wrote:OK so I am making 120 styles for all the divison 1A college football teams. How can I set a team name in the header that changes with the style?
You'd have to have your styles the same name as the teams. Then use $pun_user['style'] to output the style/team name in the header.
You might want to actually get some members before making 120 styles...
Check and see which database tables need repairing
So i'm out of a job then?
What about re-jigging the documentation? sIFR makes good use of an 'example' page:
Personal, not Personality ![wink](
In the 'Personal' section of their profile.
goodmanjpf wrote:Can I stop anyone being able to set thier email to show up on our forum?
You can comment out the "Display your email address" option in profile.php and register.php
goodmanjpf wrote:Can I require an administrator to accept applications or not?
Are their domains on the ban list?
If it works for you then it's a problem with their email rather than PunBB...
It's modified but it's still PunBB dammit! … amp;fid=48
See the documentation for more on using extern for RSS.
ariapictures wrote:Advertise all you want, but why waste the money, time, and effort on something that you will either be a needle in the hay stack or be attacked by unwanted trouble.
It's about having a laugh and a bit of respect for Alex Tew's idea. This isn't Microsoft.
Did you actually buy pixels yet?
The Million Dollar Homepage was 'completed' ages ago.
It is a waste of money, nothing but a bunch of spamming advertisers on there.
Silly advertisers! What were they thinking?!
$1,000,000 is totally not smart.
For a forum software maker that is concerned with privacy, security, and hacking concerns, why connect yourself with people that do those things? You are just asking for trouble.
I am seriously thinking of not using PunBB now.
Yeah Rickard, how dare you endanger us PunBB users with your reckless advertising?
<div id="brdtitle" class="inbox">
Remove that from main.tpl
You can re-order them at around line 1000 in profile.php
I jumped on the NOD32 bandwagon a few months ago.
1. Put the picture outside of div#brdheader
2. See 5.1 in the stylesheet.
3. #1 should take care of that
No, your webstats just strip off the topic id etc. No-one is actually visiting viewtopic.php directly.
You need to fix the border-left-color for viewtopic. And it's quite odd having huge fonts in the header and then a rather small font for the content.
No, you need to open the stylesheet (Oxygen.css) etc and replace:
#punwrap {margin:12px 20px}
#punwrap {MARGIN: 0 auto; WIDTH: 766px; TEXT-ALIGN: left}
Audiofeeline wrote:I think buttons for bbcode is a great idea why it's not include in the official release?
Agreed. I think Easy BBCode should be in by default.
URL Rewriting could be a very good option in admin...
That will be in the next version.
Adding meta tags editor in admin will be insdipensable!
Just edit the templates...
Joey wrote:I'm confident they'd agree that the sort of site I'm suggesting certainly fills a niche in the football site community.
That depends. There are countless 'football forums' out there, and I don't know of anyone that would be interested in talking pure tactics...
pundits are usually superficial at best, completely inaccurate at worst.
We all agree on that. Maybe pundit-bashing could be a part of it...
Stating the obvious here, but why don't you change host?
I imagine it's because you have removed #punwrap and have body {text align:center}
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