Rickard wrote:

Huh? Where did you find the option "Show navigation bar"?

Mark wrote:

im guessing he is using the front page plugin.
that allows you to show or hide avigation bar.

Yes. That is right. I use Frontpage PunBB CMS.

Sorry, if i post topic is not in the right place.

Temporary solve: http://www.punres.org/viewtopic.php?id=536

Fronpage wrote:


Make sure, unless you know what you are doing, to have either the menu or the navigation bar visible

Show navigation bar
Yes    No

Show the menu
Yes    No

But when choosing in Administration Show navigation bar to Yes - there is no appear navigation bar at top, instead only in Administration. Is this problem only with my Fronpage PunBB? Thank You.

Good. For temporary solve i edit base.css

/* 5.1. Setup all left and right content using floats. */
.conr {FLOAT: right; TEXT-ALIGN: right; CLEAR: right; WIDTH: 55%}
.conl {FLOAT: left; WIDTH: 55%; OVERFLOW: hidden; WHITE-SPACE: nowrap}

Sorry, i mistake early. That is work smile. Thank You.

I must elaborate, that i edit footer.php for PunBB Frontpage-1.3:

The effect does achive too, when changing board with in test_cs.css:

#punwrap {background-color : #FFFFFF; MARGIN: auto; WIDTH : 824px; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px;}


But not right way, that i need:

#punwrap {background-color : #FFFFFF; MARGIN: auto; WIDTH : 924px; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px;}


Additional question: can i change somewhere indention or font size for footer text lines? Maybe i must wrote additional css class for footer content?

Thank You very much smile. How You did it? I mean - replay so quickly? Amazing. smile

Subject. Where the right place to change style for the footer?

For example, the footer content text lines lay in two rows. But i whant to place it in one row.
I think, maybe, the problem, is that placeholder of text lines of footer has fixed width.