problem solved - it was a problem with the archive folder not being in the right folder.  it really didn't have anything to do with file permissions.

here's a second question then:  does anyone publish the archive files?  it might be nice to provide links to the archived news folders... but not sure I want to do this by hand each month.

and not sure I am smart enough to automate it with php?

just thinking - garyd

when I use the news generator I get this error message:

"An error was encountered
Error: Unable to write news archive to ./plugins/AP_News_Generator/archive/2005-10.htmlPlease make sure PHP has write access to the directory ./plugins/AP_News_Generator/archive/. "

How can I check the write access of the directory?


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

(sigh)  I new there was a simple way to figure it out.... but I know I'd be looking for a couple hours before I thought to do that.  time for a break.

thanks for the quick reply and help



(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

I have another (although seperate) extern.php issue.  (maybe should start another thread?)

I have three posts on my forum yet the output from extern.php is only two posts.  I thought that it might be an id issue in my code.  But I only have 8 forums and have:


is it possible that one of my forums isn't id 1-8?  if so how do i find the forum's id?

thanks for any help - garyd

hey, I've been playing with punbb a little and need some help (please).  I used the help that Connorhd had for adding the side bar menu (posted here: ).

now I'd like to change the text to have a little more margin to space out the text and to take out the underline.  i've searched the css but can't find it.  plus i tried adding my own class to the css to change it, but can only seem to get the underline to disappear from all links?

please help.  (my forum, in case: )
