Any progress on this one?

hehehehe smile cheers!

That would be great

okey, i can pay for it too..

guys guys! :-) make love, not war!

Supurb. My knowledge of punBB and modding doesn't reach as far as i can implement some mods by step-by-step install guides. It would be great and very much appreciated if someone could help me (and possible others, this mod is great!) out. If i can help with it (making sandwiches or... make some coffee or... take the phone etc) let me know! wink


first post :-) for an active forum i'm looking for functionalitiy similar to the HideMe mod
That is, hiding someone's online status (controlled by user).

Is there some mod, more up to date (i've tried to insert and modify HideMe for 1.2.6 but that became a dissaster) that does the same?
