I could find a working link :
http://punbb.informer.com/download/cont … -1.4.0.zip

hopes this helps

MyBestBB is now going 2.0.3, including punbb 1.2.23 security update


(4 replies, posted in News)

MyBestBB premod version updated to 1.2.23 ( http://trac.ww7.be/trac.ww7.be/changeset/403 ), thanks again for providing security upgrades ans hdiff.

albsat wrote:


please consider once again to include the Attachment mod cause is is very important and makes MyBestBB a killing forum.


Latest releases include Attachments ( and PMs ) wink you prayer have been heard !

Mezzy wrote:

does it include PMs?

Yes the latest versions include PMs and attachments wink

Sorry you had to wait so long for those features, but they were big work .

MyBestBB is now going 2.0.1 and includes punbb 1.2.22 security updates

As always you can find the latest download on http://mybestbb.ww7.be

Changelog for the latest versions :

  Fixing spanish translations
  Improving TODO, README, FAQ . . .

Adding security updates from punbb 1.2.22
please see http://punbb.informer.com/forums/topic/ … unbb-1222/
Fixing charset problem for Spanish translation
Preparing for more utf8 translations soon

Now supports "Unverified" status in userlist and profile page

add parameter to have a valid returnpath in sent email headers
fix "If a user running the Firefox webbrowser enters an incorrect value and needs to go back, the submit button will stay disabled until the page is reloaded."
add human test on register.php (one more antibot feature wink please  see http://www.network-technologies.org/Pro … mod_punbb/ for more information

=1.26beta4 +small fixes

add punbb 1.2.21 security update ( see http://punbb.informer.com/trac/changeset/954 )
upgrade mod install to 1.2.21
add projecthoneypot quicklinks in main.tpl to protect forums from spambots.
add modern BBcode easytoolbar ( see http://www.punres.org/viewtopic.php?id=1283 )
improve many themes
signature only once per user/topic
added online/offline icons
add multi-quote support ( see http://www.punres.org/files.php?pid=136 )
add forum cleanup plugin
add user merge plugin
add punbb shell plugin
add backup plugin
add user management plugin

1.25 Sat Nov 29 05:54:21 CET 2008
Code cleanup
Fix a missing requirement in INSTALL* files
Integrate Image Award mod from http://www.frankh.se/?page_id=6
Integrate Attachment mod from http://www.frankh.se/?page_id=8
Integrate Another Private Messaging mod from  http://www.punbb.fr/forums/viewtopic.php?id=3218
Integrate greeting message ( french only admin ) from http://www.punbb.fr/mods/mod.php?id=72
Integrate security updates from punbb 1.2.20, see http://punbb.informer.com/download/hdif … .2.20.html
Integrates security updates from punbb 1.2.19 and 1.2.18, see http://punbb.informer.com/forums/topic/ … unbb-1219/
Helper page for post install ( install_mods_MyBestBB.php )
Adding a Release Script
Beginning Spanish translation
adding items in todo, install, readme, htaccess and documentation
bugfix in movepost addon
better XHTML valid templates
better english translation for addons


(69 replies, posted in News)

message to punbb admins : think to update :

this is useful for users who have subscribed for updates.


(69 replies, posted in News)

oups, thanks Smartys , i didnt saw it before .


(69 replies, posted in News)

hi all

I updated the MyBestBB mod to the punbb 1.2.17 updates.

Everything ran fine but I could not understand why the following lines :

411: // Display all the categories and forums     
412: $result = $db->query('SELECT c.id AS cid, c.cat_name, f.id AS fid, f.forum_name, f.disp_position FROM '.$db->prefix.'categories AS c INNER JOIN '.$db->prefix.'forums AS f ON c.id=f.cat_id ORDER BY c.disp_position, c.id, f.disp_position') or error('Unable to fetch category/forum list', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());     

disappeared from the admin_forums.php file ( http://punbb.org/download/hdiff/hdiff-1 … .2.17.html )

these lines seem to be necessary to display the forums list nop ?

my integrating diff in MyBestBB pre-mod is here : http://trac.ww7.be/trac.ww7.be/changeset/104

is there anything I missed concerning this ?

new release, 1.23 :
download at http://mybestbb.ww7.be

changelog :

many improvenents since last announced version :
default reputation MP lenght is now 400
fixing admin_ranks parese error
added missing install_mod_RateTopic.php in INSTALL_mybestBB.txt
fixed a small bug with url rewriting, see http://mybestbb.ww7.be/t68-rewriting-mo … onnel.html
applying punbb 1.2.16 security updates, see http://punbb.org/download/changelogs/1. … 1.2.16.txt and http://punbb.org/download/hdiff/hdiff-1 … .2.16.html
fixing paginate bug, see http://trac.ww7.be/trac.ww7.be/changeset/59

small fixes

fixing active topics bug ( pun_include problem see http://forums.punbb.org/viewtopic.php?id=15705 )
adding themes
better error message for people who have installed mybestbb without installing mods
hdiff here : http://trac.ww7.be/trac.ww7.be/changeset/27

security update from punbb 1.2.14 to 1.2.15
( see http://punbb.org/download/patch/punbb-1 … 2.15.patch
  and  http://punbb.org/download/hdiff/hdiff-1 … .2.15.html
hdiff here : http://trac.ww7.be/trac.ww7.be/changeset/26

added RateTopic mod
added many themes
added sitemap generator
added Style_installer
added Easy Extra Profile Fields
fixed many conflicting mods integration with rating
topics list in viewforum.php now lists topics ORDER BY sticky AND rating
adds the list tag ( see extras/extras/List%20BBCode%20Readme.txt for syntax )
adds the noparse tag ( see http://comox.textdrive.com/~punbb/forum … p?id=13589
  and http://www.punres.org/files.php?pid=315 )

new plugins added : please launch install_mod_EPF.php and install_mod_RateTopic.php on update to 1.19

punbb 1.2.14 security updates ( + faster search tweak )
see http://www.punbb.org/download/hdiff/hdi … .2.14.html

punbb 1.2.14 security updates ( + faster search tweak )
see http://www.punbb.org/download/hdiff/hdi … .2.14.html

fixed supported punbb versions in install*.php for mods install
fixed rss feed ( #pxxx )
fixed reputation code XHTML validation problems
fixe CrystalBlue theme #brdfooter width

security updates http://www.punbb.org/download/hdiff/hdi … .2.13.html
minor improvements ( XHTML validity, themes . . . )
adding a htaccess example for boards in subdirectory ( htaccess_for_subdirectory.txt )
removing the confirm_referrer('viewtopic.php'); function form moderate.php

security updates http://www.punbb.org/download/hdiff/hdi … .2.12.html
minor improvements ( XHTML validity, themes . . . )

I'm thinking on adding attachment mod and MP mod, but I want MyBestBB to stay very secure and those 2 mods are important ones.

I'm still alone on maintaining MyBestBB PreMod version, and I'm missing time to add features.

I guarantee that any punbb 1.2.* security update is integrated in MyBestBB within 48h, but I dont have enough time for adding features.

If anyone here, with good PHP, security and punbb understanding want to provide patches for adding interesting features like attachment and MP, have a look at the mybestbb trac (  http://trac.ww7.be/trac.ww7.be/timeline … ate=Update ) and provide a patch for them, i need help maintaining and improving MyBestBB .

Here is the TODO :

better integrate the movepost in the viewpoll
better integrate reputation in the movepoll

better rewrite everywhere

add subforum shown in parent forum
add smilies in editpost polls and fast answer
UTF8 problems in sent mails
implement cache for dynamic png signature
using lang/ messages for plugins
implement configuration for mode_logo and mod_banner in header.php

have a look at paginate problem one some websites
( see http://www.punbb.fr/forums/viewtopic.php?id=5441
and http://mybestbb.ww7.be/viewtopic.php?pid=230 )

mods to include ? :



(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Yes your web hosting don't allow rewriting rules using apache mod_rewrite and .htaccess. This is needed for MyBestBB to work correctly and is in the FAQ.

Yes thats it !

Thank you very much , i was becoming mad with it !

How could Imiss this . . . this 1.2.15 upgrade have been very difficult for my ultra modded version ;(

I just hope I didnt miss anything more now .

Hum I have a problem since I updated my forums to 1.2.15 , the pun_include function no more works

I have this in the telmplate :

   <table  summary="annoucement and active topics"><tr><td style=" WIDTH: 67%;"><pun_announcement></td><td><pun_include "ajaxextern.php"></td></tr></table>

and the file is no more included with 1.2.15 patch, which includes changes to the functions managing pun_include.

the pun_included file is not include ( not found ) and the

<td><pun_include "ajaxextern.php"></td>

appears on the final webpage source code.

does anyone here use pun_include and have same kind of problem ?
I hesitate on reporting a bug, could be a problem of my integration of the patch
( see http://trac.ww7.be/trac.ww7.be/changeset/26 )
perhaps my path of my modded version have errors but I think I integrated 1.2.15 patches well . . .

any advice welcome I cant find why this pun_include no more works and how to fix it ;(

if you want to investigate you can get my modded version here : http://ww7.be/neofutur/tools/punbb/MyBe … .20.tar.gz


(98 replies, posted in News)

MyBestBB premod version updated to punbb 1.2.15 ; this diff is the first to ask me so much work
( 20 mods added makes it harder to integrate . . . )
Diff is here http://trac.ww7.be/trac.ww7.be/changeset/26 comments welcome on http://mybestbb.ww7.be/

1.18 out,

1.19 ( soon ) will include Topic Rating and much more themes


(4 replies, posted in General discussion)

you just have to install it on a web space, and launch install.php to give him the database login . . .


(95 replies, posted in News)

MyBestBB ( punbb 1.2.* premod version with 16 mods ) updated to 1.2.14

This update was bigger than previous patches, but seems to be well integrated
( see complete diff here : http://trac.ww7.be/trac.ww7.be/changeset/11 , comments welcome )

1.17 is out and fixes small 1.16 problems

  fixed supported punbb versions in install*.php for mods install
  fixed rss feed ( #pxxx )
  fixed reputation code XHTML validation problems
  fixe CrystalBlue theme #brdfooter width


(45 replies, posted in News)

http://freshmeat.net/projects/punbb/ is still 1.2.11
update it . . . freshmeat is a good portal to make new users discover punbb.

I have a weird highly modified version of 1.2.11 on my forum. So I have to manually update via the Difference logs each time.

Same here, my premod ( named MyBestBB ) version includes 16 mods and I just have to use the hdiff for each 1.2.*
update, and http://mybestbb.ww7.be new 1.16 version includes 1.2.13 updates

1.16 is out , you can get it on MyBestBB forum ( http://mybestbb.ww7.be ); you have to register to access the downloads section.

MyBestBB 1.16 is out only 2 days after the 1.2.13 punbb release.

changes are limited to the 1.2.13 security update and minor changes; here is the changelog :


security updates http://punbb.org/download/hdiff/hdiff-1 … .2.13.html
minor improvements ( XHTML validity, themes . . . )
adding a htaccess example for boards in subdirectory ( htaccess_for_subdirectory.txt )

Find the 1.16 release ( zip and tar.gz ) on http://ww7.be/neofutur/tools/punbb/MyBestBB/

I wont integrate myself new functionnalities in mybestbb, though contributions to cleanly integrate private messages or attachment mods could be accepted.

nop, no PM by now , but the reputation system allows to add a PM when you change a user reputation


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

yes the limit is the bandwidth and the hardware, not punbb

see also http://www.freenews.fr/forum/ which is not in punres stats but is very big and active, and to have no problems

i made a fast patch to have _minimum_ group control for guests cho cant read board to work.

see it at http://ww7.be/neofutur/tools/punbb/diff … ghts.patch

but its only a beginning, more needs to be done on group rights control

this is nearly a security problem nop ?

I 'm integrating the chatbox with javascript added.

I dont understand the rights code :
       if ($pun_user['g_id'] > PUN_MOD)

and why is there no group control ?