A really noob question: How do I add a square at the bottom as u have done? (The black one)
You should be able to add something similar quite easily by editing main.tpl.
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PunBB Forums → Posts by pogenwurst
A really noob question: How do I add a square at the bottom as u have done? (The black one)
You should be able to add something similar quite easily by editing main.tpl.
Moved to modifications.
Yes, there is a mod that colors usernames based on user groups somewhere on Punres (I cannot provide you with a link at the moment, because Punres is not operating currecty).
It looks great! My only gripe though is that the banner at the top doesn't link to the home page.
If you really want a pleasant surprise, uninstall Frontpage alltogether.
Done a long time ago.
Good advice for everyone, though.
Is this at all related? http://punbb.org/forums/viewtopic.php?id=9962
For the "basic HTML" part, try editing include/template/main.tpl.
Moved to integration.
Glad to here you got it worked out. I was pleasantly surprised when I finally stopped using Frontpage to upload files.
I just had to delete 10-15 posts send by an spam-bot. But these posts were all send one post per second. Perhaps it would be an easy and not-to-complex addition to PunBB to check if the last post is a certain number of seconds in the past when saving a new post? So lets say that only every 10 seconds a new posting is possible? This would have reduced the spam in my forum down to 10%.
PunBB already has post flood control for users.
Or are you suggesting that the last post for the whole forum should be checked, regardless of who posted it? I'm a bit confused.
Mod: Userlist Access
Am i the only one with FrontPage who's experiencing this problem?
I don't know, but you're certainly not the only one to use Frontpage and have problems (I've had a whole lot of problems, personally).
I would strongly recommend that you use a dedicated FTP application like SmartFTP like Gizzmo mentioned, or Filezilla, my personal favorite.
If the problem comes from FrontPage, like it seems, change your ftp software, not your forum software...
Or have I misunderstood ?
No, you haven't misunderstood, I think you've got it right.
I figured it out.
Your spinkbb_cs.css has HTML tags in it. Get a fresh spinkbb_cs.css and paste it into a plain text editor like Notepad (not Frontpage) and upload that.
Are you sure that spinkbb_cs.css is in /imports? When I type: http://10gambler.com/forum/style/imports/spinkbb_cs.css into the URL bar I get 404'd.
/Edit: Aaargh Gizzmo you beat me.
Try changing this:
/* Import the basic setup styles */
@import url("../../imports/base.css");
/* Import the colour scheme */
@import url("../../imports/spinkbb_cs.css");
to this:
/* Import the basic setup styles */
@import url("/imports/base.css");
/* Import the colour scheme */
@import url("/imports/spinkbb_cs.css");
in SpinkBB.css
If that doesn't work, try removing the first / in each of those referenced URLs, I don't know if it matters or not.
If that works, please remove my account.
Can you provide a link?
Also, in my experience uploading through Frontpage can cause problems, so that may be the problem (maybe).
/Edit: Maybe elbekko's post is your answer
Same as pogenwurst ^^
Glad to know I'm not they only stupid one.
(Just joking of course)
Modding a 1.2.x forum and hopefully launching it this summer, only to redo the mods when 1.3 comes out.
Jansson wrote:Posting it on the wiki would be great and the URLs can be as they are I think.
Ok, will do, though probably not today (I'm kinda busy and I'll have to learn a bit about operating the wiki).
Ok, after several months ( ), it's finally on the wiki (actually it has been for a little bit now, but I forgot that it was): http://wiki.punres.org/index.php/Freque … ifications
If you see any modifications that should be on it, then edit it as you please (that is, after all, one of the main points of a wiki). I'll try to add things myself as they pop up and keep an eye on the wiki page in order to sync it with this one.
Look at the reqirements section of this page: http://punbb.org/docs/install.html
you'd be surprised how easy it is to install PunBB.
I sure was when I installed it!
If you'd rather stay away from editing the CSS, you can also try SpinkBB: http://www.jsand.net/spinkbb/?lang=en
This might give you a bit of info: http://punbb.org/forums/viewtopic.php?id=10639
But like Paul said, myPunBB would be the place to ask if you need further help.
Your style looks very nice. Great job on it.
Have you tried this yet?
PunBB Forums → Posts by pogenwurst
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