I have similiar problem, in my localhost MySQL 4.1 and PHP 5.0.5 works Czech characters fine, but on providers MySQL 4.1 and PHP 5.0.5 charakters are wrong. For encoding for czech characters I use ISO-8859-2.

I edit .\phpbb\upload\include\dblayer\mysql.php file and change this:

if ($p_connect) {
            $this->link_id = @mysql_pconnect($db_host, $db_username, $db_password);
            mysql_query("SET NAMES 'latin2'",$this->link_id);

still doesnt work.

Any help?  Please...

EDIT:  I fixed this problem, my fault. Apologize... Works fine


Please know anybody how do this?? Thanks

I want allow guests post threads without fill email form field. I can't find this option in Admin panel (Permission). Can I do something with this?



When is punbb small and fast, I welcome except ON/OFF Show images and ON/OFF Show user signatures choice ON/OFF Show Avatars...


(6 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Ok, I hope that EFAM is a good substitute...

please please, i use modem and I like when board post me full answer of topic...


(6 replies, posted in Feature requests)

hmm, and permission to one of eight forums for only registered members?

Kennel, please tell me, do you suppose with this feature with code solution above (example) in the future version?
Is there other problems here?


f you need to talk to me, you can find me on IRC. Connect to Quakenet and join the channel #punbb.

Please, specify adress, port etc., i am novice user

errr i find it at ngi.it.quakenet.org `]

Yea, you mean quote tag...

$x = Ereg_Replace("\[quote\]", "Original Text:", $a);
$x = Ereg_Replace("\[\\quote\]", "Original Text END", $a);
$x = Ereg_Replace("\[.*\]", "", $a);
echo $x;

I do'nt test it, but idea is before replace [everything], replace quote tags with introducing text... Why not?

simple. Everything in []. I never use in post something in []... Or ereg_replace for each specific tag.. I mean [quot*] ... replace with "". But first option is IMHO acceptable, when write in the rules, that [everything] will be replaced in the plain text mail format with zero ;]

ad 2.- and this?

$x = Ereg_Replace("\[.*\]", "", $a);
echo $x;

Or ereg_replace for each specific tag...

yes, in todo... i type: I Wait smile

it works... perhaps iso... I Shut up and sorry to you wink
Well, I wait to 2features of mail notification: 1)only one mail to unred topic when is more replies 2)admin/user can choose between a)link in mail notification (now form) b)reply text included in mail (my wish:)

Then I make Czech lang...

P.S.: I cannot edit topic title (I am topic starter..?)...Can You edit title: ADD - solved or something?

Please, excuse my english...

Holly sh**! I test online http://bezva.host.sk/pun/viewtopic.php?pid=2#2 i change to 8859-2 before and post fast reply... I will see in DB, and try post topic title.... Looks good


(18 replies, posted in General discussion)

Wooty wrote:

I can offer what he's offering + FTP support, and lots (i don't know how exact) mysql space.

More... continue...

Kennel wrote:

It's not an issue concerning the database. I just did some tests and it's definately a problem specific to Opera. It appears Opera does not convert "special characters" to their HTML equivalent like all other browsers do. I don't know how to fix this.

Edit: I just tested this in Invision Board and it doesn't work there either. I don't know where you got that from.

Hmm that is strange. I test webs on my local apache+php... And I see through MySQL FrontEnd to DB... and I see in the Invision tab s-character (not their HTML equivalent)... I don't know... Maybe I'll check it again....


(18 replies, posted in General discussion)

hmm.. limitations MySQL? connection, space...

Please, no flame Opera/Firebird. I care about storing special (national) characters to DB. Why combination of characters (IE) or completely replace something other (Opera,etc.). Why not one true special (national) character in the DB? One czech character: In my WinXP CZ Alt+0154, in Windows Key Map like a Unicode - U+0161 ... and right character stored in DB: ?. Kennel: You can see in THIS punBB DB-THIS reply- how this character stored...

Would be nice, if group of sticky message were separated by graphics or something... I think something like invision: top of table: special row:sticky Messages, after that normal rows with stickys, AND AFTER THAT example special row: Topics .... or <hr> at the end of sticky messages...

This is not really necessary, but better design = better look :]


(6 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Could be?

hmm mysql 5MB ;(