i need this mod

Please help: i have mambo +simpleboard.
Coverting forum to pubb and coverter say:

>File: /home/eakvai/public_html/testas/forumai/punbb/converters/SimpleBoard/users.php
>Line: 49
>Converter reported: Unable to save to database.
>Query: INSERT INTO `eakvai_forumai`.punbbusers (id,username,email,num_posts,last_post,registered) >VALUES('82','aaaaaaaaa','aaaaaaaaaaaaa@pochta.ru','27','1125113389','1083546371')
>Database reported: Duplicate entry '82' for key 1 (Errno: 1062)

Only 2 user has this problem. In punbb db these users exist.

Please help? Its posible migrate only forum and post?