OK, good to know. I'll forget about extern.php and loosly base a new code module
partly on extern.php.

SOAP would be great to use, but - due to certain technical restrictions - I'd prefer
a simple SOAP API, which doesn't use SOAP arrays.

Meanwhile, I'll play around a bit.

In case your SOAP ifc is ready, I'm happy to test it and/or integrate my app.

Ah: Are cookies really part of SOAP and not part of the HTTP protocol/header
itself? Don't know exactly.


(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

What do you mean? May I find a list of major problems somewhere?


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

New Apple/Mac forum based on PunBB.

Since we are about to develop a native OS X/Windows client for PunBB, MacSearch.de will be the first forum to integrate with.

The client will be able to download articles, prepare postings offline and upload prepared post later on. Based on a local DB client - no installation required - search operations will be performed quite fast.


Ok, good hint. Thx!

I'll follow this route:

- Enhance extern.php with an optional parameter 'style':
  style=XML -> Export data as XML, not HTML

- Add a new exxml.php which extern.php will call, if
  style == XML.

- exxml.php will do the real XML processing of the result XML data

- Moreover, I'd be happy to have a PunBB global property which
  enables the XML interface if checked.
- Additionally, I'd like to enable/disable the XML interface on a per user basis.

Do we have 'reserved' fields for such additional access rights? Or should I
invent a new table (I don't like to have a new table, though) or send a
change request?

Never worked on an open source project, so I basically don't know, how to
do what...

No one?  Then I suppose PunBB doesn't have a layer to do this

OK. I'll start working at the DB layer then.


(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Is a commercial license available somehow?

I'm currently talking to a client, who probably needs to modify a PunBB system.
Since the customer drives a business, he would pay for to right to modify PunBB and
keep it closed source. It's not me....

Any ideas about this?


I'd like to write an external client side app for PunBB, which will allow to down-sync
online articles and post new articles.

Why? Because I'd like to take articles with me, prepare posts offline and supply
a bit more support [e.g. text snippets].

The app will be released for OS X first, then Windows and (probably) Linux too.

Thus, I need an API to retrieve contents of a PunBB system. The general idea is this:

- Define a central xchange.php script, which allows to communicate
  with a PunBB in the web or intranet
- A first call to xchange.php would post credentials of the user.

I know, that I could use the 'pure' DB tables to read/post data. But I wonder,
if there is another/better interface, which I should use to prevent breaking the
app, one a new PunBB release is available.

Could someone point the right direction? Do we have an SDK for this?

Ah: I'll release the xchange.php back to PunBB, but the client side app might or
might not be open source.

