Anyone have any ideas or suggestions.  And no, unfortunately reinstalling it on a Linux box is not an option in this situation.

When I click on forum, topic, or post new link I receive the following error:

File: C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\logs\include\functions.php
Line: 89

PunBB reported: Unable to update online list

Database reported: attempt to write a readonly database (Errno: 8)

It doesn't seem to make a difference in how much time in between clicks.  Sometimes it will happen right away other times it will happen after I have accessed several topics one after another. 
I am running on Win2K, Sqlite 2.8.14,  PHP: 5.0.4,  PunBB 1.2.9, Visit timeout:300, Online timeout: 200, redirect time: 2, The only plugin I have installed is the User Management plugin.  I even receive this error sometimes on login/logout.  There doesn't seem to be any consistancy to it.  I have the Users online feature set to No but it doesn't seemto make any difference if this is on or off.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!