So i don't need to add :

// Check/update/set cookie and fetch user info
$pun_user = array();

after the common.php inclusion ?

And There are not only the css link that is incorrect.
The menu links too hmm

that's why I want to redirect banned users on the forum.

My problem :

On my website :

Forum :

So I want to check if the user is bnned to redirect him to the forum.

this is what I added on my website header to integrate forum login account :

define('PUN_ROOT', './forum/');
require PUN_ROOT.'include/common.php';
// Check/update/set cookie and fetch user info
$pun_user = array();

Is there a way to know if the current user user is banned ?

I integreted the punbb form on my website but there are troubles for banned users to show the message wich says that the user is ban.

So I want to redirect him on the forum but i need to know if the current user is banned or not.

So how can I do ?
there is another solution ?

I have with a modification like it :

I want to put differents avatars for special members so I di a query to shearch in another table if the member is "special" :
(insted of puting the first part of the previous code i put a require with this :

        $rank_pips = "";
        if($cur_post['num_posts'] >= 1000) { $num_pips = 8; }
        elseif($cur_post['num_posts'] >= 700) { $num_pips = 7; }
        elseif($cur_post['num_posts'] >= 500) { $num_pips = 6; }
        elseif($cur_post['num_posts'] >= 300) { $num_pips = 5; }
        elseif($cur_post['num_posts'] >= 150) { $num_pips = 4; }
        elseif($cur_post['num_posts'] >= 100) { $num_pips = 3; }
        elseif($cur_post['num_posts'] >= 50) { $num_pips = 2; }
        else { $num_pips = 1; }
        $rank_pips = '<img src="grades/'.$num_pips.'.gif">';
        $req3 = "SELECT * FROM AdminListe WHERE pseudo = '".$cur_post['username']."'";
        $req2 = mysql_query($req3);
        $droit = mysql_fetch_array($req2);
        if ($droit['PPTeam'] == 1) 
        {$rank_pips = '<img src="grades/ppteam.gif" title="Team PP" alt="Team PP">';}
        if (($droit['pseudo'] == "Seb33300") OR ($droit['pseudo'] == "DRAX")) 
        {$rank_pips = '<img src="grades/prog.gif" title="Programmeur PP" alt="Programmeur PP">';}
        if ($droit['pseudo'] == "trinity") 
        {$rank_pips = '<img src="grades/tri.gif" title="Trinity :p" alt="Trinity :p">';}

        if ($droit['pseudo'] == "gnik") 
        {$rank_pips = '<img src="grades/gnik.gif" title="Webmasteur PP" alt="Webmasteur PP">';}

But only the first post in the topic apear (the rank appear correctly)
All others posts don't apear
I think it is the query wich made problem