Thanks a lot to pogenwurst and bluedigitalmedia. I'll take a look at both links.


elbekko wrote:

I'd just put it in the announcements part.

In this case, it seems like I can not use a different banner for each sub-forum, right?

One more question: how can I change from announcement to advertising?

Thanks for your help.


bluedigitalmedia wrote:

basically - for the sub forums, there is an area for the description of the forums - input any html code in that box and it will render out accordingly.

If I go to Admin -> Forums -> Edit (the link left from the forum I want to put ads in) -> Enter HTML code in "Description (HTML)" the banner is shown on the main page of the forum, right under the "real description", and not on top of the forum.

To make thinks a little bit more clear, I want ads to show here:
(anywhere before the thread list).

If I enter the HTML code in the description, the banner is shown in this page right after "Forum for english speakers"

Thanks a lot for your patience and understanding smile


elbekko wrote:

Sent the mail smile

I am interested too.

Is there a chance to get a copy?

Thanks a lot in advance.


Hi Bluedigitalmedia,

I would like to the same thing you did on your forum, but I could not figure out where I should insert html code.

I have one forum in English, and one in Italian. Would it be possible to have the "Italian" banner on the main page of the Italian forum (not on every thread page), and the "English" banner on the main page of the English forum?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



I searched a little bit, but found no previous discussions.

I wanted to insert a link in all outgoing mail message.

Took a look to the textes in lang/english/mail_templates but link are written like this: <unsubscribe_url>

What should I insert, so that the link will be immediatly clickable from the user that receive the mail?

Something link < a href="....."> will work?

Thanks in advance.
