I'm guessing because it's harder to allow both to work at once. But that's just a guess.

dss wrote:
flx wrote:

i had that problem, too and did a mixture between textile and bbcode.
- uninstall the textile replacement mod
- opern include/parser.php and search for "$pattern = array(" in function "function do_bbcode($text)"
- then replace the $pattern and $replace arrays with:

You're saying that you now allow both textile and bbcode simply by making this change?

It doesn't look like it. It looks like he's just replacing some of the bbcode formatting tags with textile characters. What I'd like to figure out is a way to allow both like the textpattern and textdrive forums seem to do, but the guy who set that up is being really really cagey about it.

I noticed that bbcode-style [ code ] tags still work in your version. Would it be hard to allow the bbcode [ quote=foo ]
tags to work as well? The only drawback I've found in Textile so far is that I can't figure out multiline blockquotes.