(12 replies, posted in General discussion)

its just a wish of my client ("customer"? the guys i set up a website for). i dont know why, but they wish to do so. so my idea is to, if i cannot move them to let the footer as it i, at least donate something to "adjust" this case.


(12 replies, posted in General discussion)

ah, okay. sorry that i didnt find it myself. did not think it was in the faq, but thought i have to read and "understand" the license itself :-)

so I am allowed but should "better not". hmmm. not easy to decide... I dont want to "hurt" this project, since I think its a really nice one... what would you say? *lol*

its for a small message board for a local (political) party's website.

edit: i'm thinking of removing the notice in the footer but donating a little instead... do you think that is ok? not regarding to the license, but more to the project itself

Hi there,

is it possible to remove the "powered by punbb" in the rendering of the site? i've got a client that asks me to leave it away. i mean only the for the end user visible "powered by punbb" link at the footer... I would still integrate the copyright notes within the code itself as html comments.