connorhd, I was expecting this response. I will put my programmer to work then good luck to you all and I'll be back here if I will have some issues
2 2005-11-10 17:58
Re: features for a free forum host (9 replies, posted in Feature requests)
he already signed up for an account so at least I think it's him. My main goal is to grow my freeblog hosting, so the forum business is (and it will be) in a second place. And it not targeted for English speaking users at this moment. However, it's nice to have such a plugin because users feel the need to customize their forum at least with a counter
So connorhd, how about that plugin?
3 2005-11-10 15:26
Re: features for a free forum host (9 replies, posted in Feature requests)
very nice, but I am not a programmer. I must ask a programmer to do it, but I thought it was already made. Well, thanks for the quick reply though
4 2005-11-10 14:51
Topic: features for a free forum host (9 replies, posted in Feature requests)
Hi guys
I have a free forum host that uses punbb. I want to give the users the ability to edit the footer of their mainpage in order to insert some of their own html code. Is there a plugin for this? They should be able to insert at least a counter code or something...