(8 replies, posted in Discussions)

How does PunBB compare with FluxBB?What's the advantages? disadvantages? which one is more actively developed.

which one should I use?


(8 replies, posted in Discussions)

not sure who has coded PunBB but just wanted to say thank you. It's a nice efficient forum which is very useful if you have limited db space and bandwidth on a hosting package. Also great for using the forum from a mobile phone as it doesn't require much bandwidth so it gets the pages quickly(less number of requests, less images, less non-sense). I love it.

Two questions:

1. Is there a guide on how to develop extension for punbb? (I found some oddities with a few extensions that I would like to fix)

2. When registering here there was some spam protection system in place. Which extension is this and where can I download it from? It said: "1. If you register with a yahoo.co.uk email adress from OUTSIDE the UK, you will be treated as a spammer and deleted. 2. If you post a URL in your signature within 24 hours of registering, your account will be deleted. 3. If you do not activate your account within 24 hours of registering here, your registration will be deleted. "