That was it, thank a million for your help.
2 2011-12-30 22:16
Re: Delete all guest posts (11 replies, posted in Discussions)
Thanks for the help, I got itcleaned out. I've checked all the correct boxes in the Guest account, but it is still allowing guests to post. What am i missing?
3 2011-12-30 19:24
Re: Delete all guest posts (11 replies, posted in Discussions)
No, I didn't use prefixs....
The table "posts" seems to be the one i'm looking for, but it seems every guest has a different id.
4 2011-12-30 19:15
Re: Delete all guest posts (11 replies, posted in Discussions)
This is what I get:
mysql> select * from _posts where id = 1;
ERROR 1146 (42S02): Table 'punbb._posts' doesn't exist
mysql> select * from posts where id = 1;
Empty set (0.00 sec)
Any idea?
5 2011-12-30 19:11
Re: Delete all guest posts (11 replies, posted in Discussions)
Thanks for the quick reply. I'll give it a shot.
6 2011-12-30 19:05
Topic: Delete all guest posts (11 replies, posted in Discussions)
My board got spammed with "guests" posting. None of the usernames of the "guest"s come up in user searches. I would ultimately like to delete all guest post from the forum (350 or so of them) but there does not a seem to be a way to do this in admin other than delete all the posts one by one. Any suggestions?
Maybe a mysql script to automatically delete all posts by "guests"? But i cannot seem to find the table to correllate the posts with the "guests". Can anyone direct me here?
7 2010-09-18 15:33
Re: PunBB truncates messages (8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 bug reports)
I'm starting to think it might be the pun_stop_bots ??
The stop bots was my thought too when you mentioned extensions earlier in the thread. I have disabled it, I'll let you know what the results are.
Thanks for the quick response.
8 2010-09-18 14:15
Re: PunBB truncates messages (8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 bug reports)
I am having a similar issue. Is one of my extensions the problem?
PunBB 1.3.4
Debian 5.0
PHP: 5.2.6-1+lenny8
MySQL Standard 5.0.51a
Attachment Version v1.0.3.
BBCode buttons ( Extension disabled. )
Pretty buttons for easy BBCode formatting.
Private Messaging Version v1.2.9.
PunBB Repository Version v1.2.2.
Stop spam from bots Version v0.2.