Anyone know how I can add BBcodes to this chat?

slickplaid wrote:

I modified the extension some more to make it validate as XHTML 1.0 Strict and added a send button.

I'm currently working on getting an admin backend added onto it so you can set some options so until I finish that, the previous modifications I've done aren't included.

Modified chatlite:ChatLite 0.6.0

Let me know if you find anything wrong with it as I'm still kind of a novice at this.

Sorry to bump a old thread, but what files were modified in this new mod?


(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

Okay well, I have a few questions.

I have ChatLite extension installed. Looks like this:

It's a bit modded.

I also have the Group colors mod added. What I'm trying to do is make the Groups colors appear in chat.  For example: the group "Admins" is assigned to green group color. So when they talk on the chat, I want their name to show up as green.

The [X M U] in the chat is Mute and Un-mute buttons, which don't seem to want to work. I also want to make it so that in chat when you click a username, there is a chat input that comes up in the box as "@username".  To do all of this, I've tried this code.

msgTemplate: new Template('#{a}[#{d}#{h}:#{m}] <img src="./img/groups/#{group_id}.png" alt="Group" />&nbsp;<a href="javascript: Chatinput(\'@#{name} \');" style="text-decoration: none;" class="group_color_#{group_id}"><strong>#{name} :</strong></a> #{msg}<br />'),p

Any Ideas?

The <img> is the group image. I'm trying to set images to show up in chat that corresponds with the group. Right now, I can't get them to separate. As in each group has a different image. But I can't seem to assign images. 

Another thing is that ranks and groups. I have requirements on my site, such as 600 posts for a certain rank, but the users are assigned to groups. So a member who is assigned to the Group  "Sapphire", their title shows up as "Bronze" because they don't have sufficient amount of posts. Is there any way to fix that? A way to sync groups and ranks? I know I could do it manually, but I don't wanna go through that. tongue

Here is the whole chat.js file.

 * ChatLite extension for PunBB forum.
 * @author Neck -
 * @version 0.5.1
 * @licence Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported -
ek_chatLite = {
    * Template, to format messages.
    * @var Object
    msgTemplate: new Template('#{a}[#{d}#{h}:#{m}] <img src="./img/groups/#{group_id}.png" alt="Group" />&nbsp;<a href="javascript: Chatinput(\'@#{name} \');" style="text-decoration: none;" class="group_color_#{group_id}"><strong>#{name} :</strong></a> #{msg}<br />'),

    * Is the script already sending a message ?
    * @var Boolean
    isSending: false,

    * Initialize the chat: build UI and start refresher.
    initialize: function () {
        if (!document.getElementById) { return }
        // get the logged in and base uri info
        this.param = this.pseudoGet('ek_chatlite/media/js/chat');

        // get the header or announcement we will use it to append our chatbox after
        var appendAfter = document.getElementById('brd-main');
        if(!appendAfter) appendAfter = document.getElementById('brd-stats');
        if(!appendAfter) return false;

        // Now we create the HTML structure for the chat.
        // basically looks like:
        // <div id="ek_chatLite">
        //   <h2>title</h2>
        //   <div class="chatBox">
        //     <div class="chatError"></div> (hidden)
        //     <div class="chatContent"></div>
        //     <img src="wait.gif" /> (hidden, only if logged)
        //     <input name="message" /> (only if logged)
        //   </div>
        // </div>
        var chatBlock = new Element('div', {id:'ek_chatLite'});
        chatBlock.appendChild(new Element('h2')).update(this.lang.title);
        var chatBox = chatBlock.appendChild(new Element('div', {'class':'chatBox'}));
        this.chatError = chatBox.appendChild(new Element('div', {'class':'chatError'})).hide();
        this.chatContent = chatBox.appendChild(new Element('div', {'class':'chatContent'})).update(this.lang.loading);
        if(this.param['logged'] > 0) {
            this.chatWait = chatBox.appendChild(new Element('img', {src:this.param['exturi']+'media/img/wait.gif', alt:'['+this.lang.waitImg_alt+']', title:this.lang.waitImg_title, style:'visibility:hidden;'}));
            this.chatInput = chatBox.appendChild(new Element('input', {name:'message',}));            
        //appendAfter.insert({after:chatBlock}); <- IE doesnt like this
        appendAfter.parentNode.insertBefore(chatBlock, appendAfter.nextSibling);

        // add event listeners
        if(this.param['logged'] > 0) {

            Event.observe(this.chatInput, 'keypress', function(e) {
                if(e.keyCode === Event.KEY_RETURN) {
            Event.observe(window, 'resize', this.sizeInput.bindAsEventListener(this));
        Event.observe(this.chatError, 'click', function(){this.chatError.hide();}.bindAsEventListener(this));

        // launch refresher = new this.refresher(this.param['exturi']+'data/chat.dat', {
            method: 'post',    frequency: 2.5, decay: 1.1,
            onChange: this.updater.bind(this),
            onFailure: this.error.bind(this, 'con')

    * Handle wait animation and send locking
    sendingStart: function() {
        this.isSending = true;;
    sendingStop: function() {
        this.isSending = false;;

    * Submit a message
    send: function() {
        // block the input
        if(this.chatIsSending == true) { return; }

        // process update
        new Ajax.Request(this.param['baseuri']+'misc.php?action=ek_chatlite', {
            method: 'post',
            parameters: 'do=post&'+this.chatInput.serialize(),
            onSuccess: function(response) {
       = response.headerJSON;
                this.chatInput.value = '';
            on401: this.error.bind(this, 'guest'),
            on403: this.error.bind(this, 'double'),
            on404: this.error.bind(this, 'empty'),
            onFailure: this.error.bind(this, 'con')

    * Delete a message
    * @param object event
    * @param string message id
    del: function(e, msgId) {
        // confirm
        //if(!Event.isLeftClick(e)) { return; } <- its bugged for IE, need to wait for prototype update
        var ok=window.confirm(this.lang.delConfirm);
        if(!ok) { return; }

        // block the input
        if(this.chatIsSending == true) { return; }

        // process update
        new Ajax.Request(this.param['baseuri']+'misc.php?action=ek_chatlite', {
            method: 'post',
            parameters: 'do=del&msgId='+msgId,
            onSuccess: function(response) {
       = response.headerJSON;
            on401: this.error.bind(this, 'admin'),
            on404: this.error.bind(this, 'notFound'),
            onFailure: this.error.bind(this, 'con')

    * Update content of the chat.
    * @param string the new content as JSON
    updater: function(chatContent) {
        // dates
        this.dToday = new Date();
        this.dYstd = new Date(this.dToday.getTime()-86400000);
        this.dToday = this.dateYMD(this.dToday);
        this.dYstd = this.dateYMD(this.dYstd);

        // parse content
        if(!chatContent.isJSON()) {
        chatContent = chatContent.evalJSON();
        chatContent = chatContent.inject('', this.message, this);
        if(this.param['logged'] == 2) {
            var s = this.chatContent.getElementsByTagName('span');
            for(var i=0; i<s.length; ++i) {
                Event.observe(s[i], 'click', this.del.bindAsEventListener(this, s[i].getAttribute('id')));

        // scroll
        var toScroll = this.chatContent.scrollHeight-this.chatContent.offsetHeight;
        if(toScroll < 0) toScroll = 0;
        this.chatContent.scrollTop = toScroll;

    * Format a message.
    * @param string accumulator, we will append the message to it
    * @param array message infos: id, name, date, message
    * @return string accumulator+formated message    
    message: function(chatContent, msgInfo) {
        var dMsg = new Date(msgInfo[2]);
        var dMsgYMD = this.dateYMD(dMsg);

        if(dMsgYMD === this.dToday && this.lang.date_today !== 'date') {
            var day = this.lang.date_today;
        } else if(dMsgYMD === this.dYstd && this.lang.date_ystd !== 'date') {
            var day = this.lang.date_ystd;
        } else if(this.lang.date_older !== 'date') {
            var day = this.lang.date_older;
        } else {
            var day = this.dateZero(dMsg.getDate())+'/'+this.dateZero(dMsg.getMonth()+1)+' ';

        var tplInfo = {
            a:(this.param['logged'] == 2) ? '[<span class="chatDel" id="'+msgInfo[0]+'">X</span>  <a style="color: red;" style="text-decoration: none;" href="javascript: Chatinput(\'/mute '+msgInfo[1]+'\');">M</a>  <a style="color: green;" style="text-decoration: none;" href="javascript: Chatinput(\'/unmute '+msgInfo[1]+'\');">U</a>] ' : '',

        return chatContent+this.msgTemplate.evaluate(tplInfo);

    * Error message
    * @param string Message Key
    error: function(msgKey) {

    * Resize Input field.
    sizeInput: function() {

     * Emulate the GET variables.
     * @param string the file you want get vars for
     * @return array associative array with name=>value
    pseudoGet : function(fileName) {
        // loop through all script tag looking for our file
        var s;
        var scriptTags = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
        for (var i = 0; i < scriptTags.length; ++i) {
            s = scriptTags[i];

            // if we got a correct one extract vars
            if(s.src && s.src.toLowerCase().match(fileName.toLowerCase()+'\\.js\\?')) {
                var v = s.src.toLowerCase().match(fileName.toLowerCase()+'\\.js\\?(.*)$');
                v = v[1].split('&');

                // make array and return it
                var r = new Array();
                for(var j=0; j < v.length; ++j) {
                    v[j] = v[j].split('=');
                    if(v[j].length == 2) {
                        r[v[j][0].toLowerCase()] = v[j][1];
                return r;

     * Return a date in the y-m-d format for comparisons.
     * @param object the date to parse
     * @return string     
    dateYMD: function(d) {
        var year = d.getFullYear().toString();
        var month = this.dateZero(d.getMonth());
        var day = this.dateZero(d.getDate());

        return year+month+day;

     * Adds zeros to the value until it got the desired length.
     * @param int the value to modify
     * @return string
    dateZero: function(n, to) {
        n = n.toString();
        to = (to || 2);
        while(n.length < to) {
            n = '0'+n;
        return n;

    * This class is inspirated from prototype's Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater()
    refresher: Class.create(Ajax.Base, {
        initialize: function($super, url, options) {
            this.onComplete = this.options.onComplete;
            this.frequency = (this.options.frequency || 2);
            this.options.decay = (this.options.decay || 1);
            this.decay = 1;
            this.updater = { };
            this.url = url;

        start: function() {
            this.options.onComplete = this.updateComplete.bind(this);
            this.decay = 1;
        stop: function() {
            this.updater.options.onComplete = undefined;
        updateComplete: function(response) {
            (this.onComplete || Prototype.emptyFunction)(response);

            var check = (response.headerJSON || response.getHeader('Etag'));

            if(!check) {
                (this.options.onFailure || Prototype.emptyFunction)(response);

            if (this.options.decay) {
                if(check == this.lastCheck && this.decay < 60) {
                    this.decay = this.decay * this.options.decay;
                else {
                    this.decay = 1;
                    (this.options.onChange || Prototype.emptyFunction)(response.responseText);
                this.lastCheck = check;
            this.timer = this.onTimerEvent.bind(this).delay(this.decay * this.frequency);
        onTimerEvent: function() {
            this.updater = new Ajax.Request(this.url, this.options);
// Init the chat once DOM is loaded.
Event.observe(window, 'load', function() {

That is all. Thanks in advance. tongue