I'm looking around for a script - preferably PHP - but perl's okay ...  Specifically, I'm loking for a maililng list manager.. preferrably an opt-in list - that lets me manage my list as well as send my (approximately) monthly newsletters.

I've tried several, and have yet to find one that's *easy* to use.. Does anyone here have one that they are happy with.. (that's free?)


btw - When's the last time you did a google search for anything with the letters "php" in the search terms?  They now give an error message, telling you that there's a virus on your machine....  Go figure....  Google's getting as bad as MS.

(edited for my bad spelling)


(1,382 replies, posted in General discussion)



(0 replies, posted in Feature requests)

I'm a longtime admin for several websites' forums, and we historically (and currently) have used WebBBS - currently on 5.12, and I really don't anticipate upgrading to the next revision (if that should ever appear from vaporware, anyway).

I've recetly loaded PunBB on one of my sites, and Wow! What a difference in administering and usability.... There are a few things that I'd like to see eventually, though...

- Integrated photo upload and insertion into a post for viewing - maybe with size and filename extention restrictions
- Conversion utility to go directly from WebBBS to PunBB

I see that several people have converted their forums' databases from WebBBS -> phpBB -> PunBB - but I really don't want to mess with an intermediate translation.. I'd just like to go load my database quickly from WebBBS to PunBB.
