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Go into your theme file.css in the style folder and search for
LI.postreport A:link, LI.postreport A:visited, TR.iclosed TD.tcl A:link, TR.iclosed TD.tcl A:visited {COLOR: #XXX}
LI.postreport A:hover, TR.iclosed TD.tcl A:hover {COLOR: #XXX}
and replace the #XXX with a rgb-coded color like #000 or #0000FF. The first color is for the normal state of the link, the second color is when you hover with your mouse (pass with the mouse over the link).
Hope it helps.
Oracle bought InnoDB ... hmm .. so now, forget about InnoDB support in MySQL, right?
) Great. keep up the good work, Oracle.
Messy or no messy, I followed your instructions and worked like a charm
BBClone is very good, but sometime you need to do some code digging, because I think it can show too much sensitive data (if you let your users view the statistics data).
Wow, the RoundCube Webmail is really really nice. Kind of simple ... but powerful. Thanks Odis for the suggestion 
Installed in 2 minutes, 1 minute for configuration, no errors, fast ... what can I say more.
You want to help or you don't It's simple. If I disturb somebody here, I kindly ask a moderator or Rickard to remove my account. I didn't come here to kiss anybody's ass. If you didn't understand that ....
Probably , you forgot to add a field in the query. More precisely, between the "subforum mod" query and the "last post on index mod" query there are differences in fields. make sure you ADD the fields from the "last post on index mod" to the subforum query, and NOT REPLACE others.
This is the "last ...." mod you used?
There should be a way without modifying the punBB or Revo sourcecode. The automatic refresh method does not provide the same capabilities as a, let's say, icon in the taskbar (for example, the windows "your virtual memory is too low" stuff ).
Yes you were, you can of curse take credit of it. (I already e-mail-ed the mod creator, no answer, but no answer yet).
As for your problem with me, you can e-mail me and you'll get your answers. (the PunBB forum is no place to argue)
Well, you're absolute right, but the idea was to write a very very small program, which I can then port to any PDA (I am an addicted PDA user) using a Delphi to Asm decoder I found a while ago. Thunderbird or other RSS feeders are a little too complicated for this job, i wanted something < 100kb.
Delphi is the best IDE. period 
I want to write a program which would poll a forum (PunBB and/or Revo) at specific times and show an alert if there are any new posts. Perhaps, allow you to select the forums from which you want to receive the alerts.
I have some Delphi experience, I could code the thing easily, but there is a little problem. The forum requires you to be registered first before you could get the list of new posts. Can this be implemented by "fooling" the referrer check or there must be a more subtle solution for it?
Awaiting any suggestions.
Later edit:
This might be usefull, in my situation, when I'm at work or working home, no more need to press the refresh button in browser 100 times/day. You'll get a notify when you have new posts. Simple as that.
I talked with Rickard and I think we reached an agreement, but I think you should wait for his post and not take my word for it 
Let's not start this again. I'm not selling anything and my intellectual property is MY intellectual property. I hope everything has been fixed so, you absolutely have no need to be rude to me.
By the way, check THIS out.
Not sure if I'm allowed to say this here ... or
If anybody wants any of the Revo functions as a PunBB module, say so and I will try to implement them.
I removed all the bans onto the Revo forums, so you're free to come and register (if you want).
Oh, you meant the last post link (I thought you meant the total posts/topics count). You have nico_somb's subforum module? If yes, I'll take a look at it and fix it.
Yes I am (not the one in the picture actually).
If you installed any modules, probably you are running a db query on a nonexistent field. Do as Elzar said.
There is a serious vulnerability in this module. I shall not post it here, any moderators can direct me where to report it?
I was talking about the PunOnline mod found HERE. And it works on 1.2.10 but you have to replace line 12 from :
$punbb_versions = array('1.2', '1.2.1', '1.2.2', '1.2.4', '1.2.3', '1.2.5');
$punbb_versions = array('1.2', '1.2.1', '1.2.2', '1.2.4', '1.2.3', '1.2.5', '1.2.10');
Or, you can add this to your admin_*.php pages
if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] != '') exit('Hacking Attempt');
Replace with your fixed IP.
Or you can implement an whitelist/blacklist network authentication module via admin panel.
It doesn't show on the index page because punBB treats each subforum as a normal forum (besides that it's a child of the parent forum). So, the child forum has its own posts that doesn't show on the total post count of the parent forum.
Try the online mod, you'll find it somewhere on
First, greetings to all PunBB community, you have such a nice and fast forum.
Secondly, during one of my 10 000/day google searches I got onto THIS site. Is this punBB too? Looks like and doesn't look at the same time. (look at the Forums part)
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