It seems come to my server.. (bad configuartion ?)
It works fine in local.. but not on my server.. hmm

Does it work for you ? In my side, I have a connection timed out..

$punbb_xml = ' … p;type=RSS';
If (@!$xmlfile = Simplexml_Load_File($punbb_xml)) {
    Echo "</table>Accès aux données impossibles..\n</table>";

I work on linux and I tried '/home/xxxx/www/punbb/...' but it doesn't works..

No.. it doesn't work.. I have this error : "failed to load external entity".. and also "connection timed out"

That I don't understank, it's it seems work without uri parameters.. (but extern.php needs it)

Hi. I just want to know how to use extern.php with the new function simplexml_load_file() of PHP 5

When I try "simplexml_load_file('./punbb/extern.php?action=active&type=RSS')" I have an error : " failed to load external entity"
I also tried with "rawurlencode('./punbb/extern.php?action='.urlencode('active&type=rss'))" but nothing better...
Someone have tried and suceed ?

P.S. sorry for my english, i'm french.. hmm