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Hello.... smile I just installed PunBB and very liked it. Now I'm integrating it with my project - NPSig.

here is it :http://npsig.sok4e.eu/forums
And project URL: http://npsig.sok4e.eu

You can't register in forum, only from website and then login in forum with same user and pass.

The goal of NPSig Project is easy show to everybody what are you listening to (usually in forum signature).



Hello. I'm writing site on CodeIgniter and I would like to use that wonderful and lightweight forum - punBB smile

I need forum News where I will post news about website. I tried to get how are forums topics and posts connected but I couldn't figured out. Can somebody explain? I need something like this:

mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `forums` WHERE `Announce`="1"');

And also, I need to disable registration from forums,and register just from website. Is that correct enough ?

INSERT INTO `punbb_users` (`username`,`password`,`email`,`registration_ip`,`registered`,`signature`) VALUES (....)

DONE -> And also should I edit source to put extra links in navigation?