dimkalinux wrote:

Looks like you use soem extension like egistration approval or invite.
Try to check list of installed extensions.

It worked perfectly!  big_smile  big_smile  smile

dimkalinux wrote:

You need look this file on filesystem, maybe use ftp or filemanager - not browser.

Thanks for the precision.
However, "o_regs_allow" is already set at 1.

Grez wrote:

Hi, try to delete files in cache folder and then check Administration  smile

It didn't worked  sad

dimkalinux wrote:

fma16, look in cache/cache_config.php value of o_regs_allow - it must be set in 1 if you allow registration.

I can't reach the page. When I type it in firefox, it redirects me on my webhost error page...

Hi everyone.
I have a problem with my board : when a user wants to register, he see a message like this :

Registration is temporary unavailable. You can register on the froum if somebody sends you an invitation letter.

But, when I check my administration page, I see this : http://img52.imageshack.us/img52/3333/forumcopie.jpg

Can somebody help me?
If you need more information, please tell me.