Thanks! I give a try.

Those lines are not important?

I have been trying for a month with no results. PunBB refuses to accept cookies written by other programs. Drupal uses sessions. If there is a mod for punBB to change it to sessions from secure cookie login I could get it working inside of a hour.

Thanks! I thought that I had removed all search css references. I tried the whole thing without the css that particular file but I must have placed it back when I drag and dropped the other modified file.

Here is the test forum.

I noticed that the on=load events in punBB were conflicting with my other js. punBB js just brings focus to a form element. This is what I thought. But when the on load even is removed from the body tag then search.php form elements jump to the right and become black.

This should not be because the css and html should not be dependant on js working in the browser. It should degrade without noticing.

Got it! I just saw that in another thread.


But I have a question in the same line. I get everything but the common.php array values. If I call the index.php then the common.php values die even though the path to the file is correct. So the page shows E where the value should be in the forum table.

I used this from the docs to try and get the objects needed to integrate:

define('PUN_ROOT', './forums/');
require PUN_ROOT.'include/common.php';

Once you've included common.php, you can access and utilize all of PunBB's global variables and functions. Typically, you will be most interested in the $pun_user array. This array holds information about the current user. Another interesting variable is the database object $db.

But keep getting an error that $db is not an object in functions.php.

php 5.0.5

Is this a bug or just improper usage on my part?