While I love the idea of the lightweight BB I have some concerns over it's security. My bb has twice been hacked in the last month. The first time I didn't know about the extensions and updating with the latest patches. So I deleted the whole cpanel acc and stared again.
As far as I know my cpanel account is secure.
I have very long and complex passwords, I have the latest version with all patches applied.
I'm willing to try one more time. I'm not a Unix/Apache expert by any means so what do I need to do to secure Pun BB? I notice that all the db details are spelled out in the Config.php file - not too secure, but it looks like the index.php file was updated......
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<font size="5" face="AgencyFB" color="red"> <b>Hacked by Dr. Cruzz</b></font><br><br>
<img src=""width="400" height="3"><br>
<font size="3" face="Pristina" color="red">Marhaban Ya Ramadhan that will come soon</font><br>
<font size="3" face="Pristina" color="red">Get the Codes and Feel the Soul</font><br>
<font size="2" face="AgencyFB" color="red">Hmei7 - k4l0ng666 - Kamtiez - Jundab - boebefa - s13doeL </font><br>
<font size="2" face="AgencyFB" color="red"><b>[ We Are Single Attacker ]</b></font><br>
<font size="2" face="AgencyFB" color="red"><b>| DEFACERZ OF INDONESIAN H4X0R |</b></font><br>
<font size="2" face="Pristina" color="red">Contact me : cruzz@defacerz.com | cruzz@indonesiancoder.com </font><br><br>
<font size="4" face="Pristina" color="red">./e0f </font><br>
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