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pogenwurst wrote:@Smartys: it sounds like he's saying that they actually do all have the same IP address (e.g. they're all connecting from the same school, office, etc.), not that PunBB is mistakenly showing users with different IP addresses as having identical ones.
If that's the case, then simply comment out or delete the following few lines of code in register.php:
82 // Check that someone from this IP didn't register a user within the last hour (DoS prevention)
83 $result = $db->query('SELECT 1 FROM '.$db->prefix.'users WHERE registration_ip=\''.get_remote_address().'\' AND registered>'.(time() - 3600)) or error('Unable to fetch user info', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());
85 if ($db->num_rows($result))
86 message('A new user was registered with the same IP address as you within the last hour. To prevent registration flooding, at least an hour has to pass between registrations from the same IP. Sorry for the inconvenience.');
Okay thanks, hopefully that will work. BTW it registers from the servers ip.
Everybody that is registering at the moment are using the same Ip. They have to wait 1 hour to register if someone else registered before them. Never was like this before how do I take it off.
Fixed it myself
Me again, I'm sorry I really want to get similar with punbb so I'm doing lots of work on it.
File: /www/
Line: 87
PunBB reported: Unable to get latest games
Database reported: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1 (Errno: 1064)
How do I enable debug? Noobie question but never knew how.
AHA thats why my database weren't working. I realized that after I posted lmao
What are the differences between MYSQL Standard vs SQLITE.
Nope, I can't 553 error, filetype not allowed. I'm having lots of troubles lately. Can't view post, can't do anything.
I'm not allowed to upload .htaccess from cache. Is there a special way to get it on or is my web host just gay?
But heres the things I don't know which one to use. Full, Structure or Data Only in the Database Management. Remember only want posts and users.
Well I have to move host and I was wondering how could I keep all the posts of my users and keep all my users if that is possible?
Admin -> Usergroup -> then the one you'd like to edit.
I've just designed a Lighter skin what do you guys think about it. Not quiet done the color are a little off.
a few more updates have been added.
Skin could use some modification.
My pleasure.
I don't know myself. It's one of those days where you get home and suppers already made and you know somethings wrong. I'm having a hard to think but I'll look more into it.
I found a 000.
DIV.blockpost H2 {BACKGROUND-image:url('')}
DIV.blockpost H2 SPAN.conr {COLOR: #000}
BTW for your images you shouldn't write the whole URL.
TD.tc2, TD.tc3, TD.tcmod, #postpreview, #viewprofile DD, DIV.forminfo,
#adminconsole FIELDSET TD, DIV.blockmenu, #adstats DD {BACKGROUND-image:url('')}
I think this is were your problem is.
.css you set the color to black. I don't know which section it is though :S
I know but I want his
Very nice do you know where I can get that frontpage source?
Yeah i just noticed that the site doesn't have something like COME REGISTER because...
Why would I see the site when I don't even pay it myself?
The green dude... St. Patrick
sirena wrote:Quite a gloomy, monochromatic style. Could do with a little more sparkle, colour or highlighting, or some sort of visual interest.
It's also not at all clear to a first time visitor what the forum is all about and why they should spend any time exploring the forum. If I landed on the forum home page after following a search engine result I would probably immediately hit the back button and go away.
We have a lighter skin so if you register and don't like the main one you can change it in your profile. What do you think we should do to make it clear to a first time visitor?
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