Maybe it would be more comfortable if click on a nick puts it in the quick anser field, marked with the [b]-tag? Therefore one more link 'Profile' (except 'Site', 'e-mail' etc) will be useful...


(6 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Right! smile I agree and changed my opinion! wink Thanks.


(6 replies, posted in Feature requests)

gog wrote:

Although, I see that maybe on some "more specific" forum this option could be usefull :)

Exactly! ;) I mean technical discussions... In this case only topic started is the best to know, when his problem (topic) was solved. So he should close thread.


(6 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Hi everyone! I think that topicstarter must be a moderator of thread he created. He should can open/close/edit discussion. I'm sure it's one of the main idea of forum, isn't it? ;)


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

I'm so sorry!!! The problem was in 'Enable referrer logging' option (which was turned off) in my Opera browser... There is bug in my head, not in PunBB! (based on miniportal)

Any action of admin*.php, moderate.php and profile.php scripts are cause 'Bad referer' error although 'Base URL' in 'Options' is set correctly...