1. Online links!+ Newest regestered user!

2. Poster Id in view topic!

3. Header

Removed!! No need for this!! I didnt realise there was another mod like it!


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

Have you installed any recent mods?? If not have you installed any...if so what?


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

oriolot wrote:

ok ok, with mypunbb I can see the behind side of the forums, but no interact at 100% with it, no?

Well, I will find a hosting, and if i'm not wrong then use the Apache, PHP and MySql to make my own forum or my own web, it's ok?

Hey i think i might be able to help you find one!!

but my best bet to save hours of time looking on the internet is to find a freind with a domain allready and either cut a deal with him and get a domain or cut a deal with him and get a Sub-domain!! .... just a tip

I am gonna ingore your post because we need to help Endre  before we fight!!  (expect one thing!)

You shouldn't be hosting with a host that has a pirated/old version of CPanel: if they don't take security seriously enough, why trust them with your data?

These were my reasons
1. Because my dad is a wife beater type of guy
2. No money
3. It was run mostly by my freinds
4. My dad is the biggest jack rass around( In the way as # 1 and yes i ment to say rass )
5. A guy helped me move out so i bought him a domain(With some other things!)
6. I didnt think the site was gonna last
7. I was new to the hole thing and i didnt know what i was doing
8. I had bought a year and didnt want to cancle 2 months in
9. My friend would have been mad when suddenly his site shut down
10. I didnt have the time to search around and acctually find the best at the cheapest price when i bought it!

Ok my suggestion...(I am sure that Smartys is gonna come back with a defence... Which i want to make sure i dont have an error)
1. Reupload missing files and see what happens!(If you have a back up UPLOAD IT NOW)
2 and 3 and maby 4 will be coming depending on what happens from there! Be sure to make a backup now just incase the sql messes up(or some other phyco thing happens!! The worst thing you can do to a hacker is have the site he hacked come back and do better!! SO i want you to do that!

No they can't and no it isn't
"Google hacking" isn't hacking. It's using Google to find information that it useful for the purposes of hacking (like, say, all sites that have text from a logged in CPanel page).

True but this is a lead to hacking!! Because if you know what your doing and the user has a forum all you have to do is check Config.php... maby you dont know the way i knoe but it is possiable...

SORRY IF I SCARED ANYONE THERE A HUNDEREDS AND HUNDEREDS OF PAGES!!! THE LIKELY CHANCES OF SOMEONE FINDING YOUR WEBSITE ARE SLIM and if someone does you can get it back... So its a waste of time for the el hacker


If CPanel was insecure enough that just by submitting your site to Google you'd get hacked, no one would use it

Unforinntly the hacker was looking for my site!! (I was using phpbb at the time)... He had a grudge aginst me!! He used google and found a section of my cp!!
He grabed my config.php file and gets this information

$db_name = 'EXAMPLE;
$db_username = 'EXAMPLE';
$db_password = 'EXAMPLE';

Now there on the real cpannel and off they go deleting! Even that some times you are into the system and dont have to worry about things

No, it really isn't: the chances of CPanel being set up that poorly are low

Alltho the chances of this i do belive arnt there!! If your (Host or domain) (Not sure which give you cpanel) didnt wanna spring the money and get the Newest version or you got yours awhile back Or have a pirated version(Yes i dont understand how it works but yes its there)

"Google hacking" isn't hacking. It's using Google to find information that it useful for the purposes of hacking

Yes in most cases this is true(If you Cach the document)!! But in some cases you are logged in straight to the cpanel... If you give me your aim or msn i can give you a small example of what i am talking about!....

This isnt the place to talk about it!! Lets get back on topic and help Endre get the forums back up in running this is TroubleShooting not hacking school!!!

Endre wrote:

Yeah, I know how to use the panel and phpmyadmin.
I'm not worried about restoring this, cause that's gonna be pretty easy, but I wish I could understand how they got in.
I doubt it's a punbb-problem, cause the database would have been affected. Seems like I have an opening somewhere. Perhaps the attachment mod, since it gives the users write-access..

Yeah but doesnt it just upload on imageshack.us??
What it could be is!! Have you advertised your site!!.... (Just to let you know even if you did have an opening all it would take is a few bots from a CERTIAN program and your a gonner... Atleast with most forum softwares!!

Also another thing! People can use google to hacK!! i am not gonna say because if this gets out!! There will be a major problem!! Its all related to the cpannel!! Of course the cpanel is good but it can be a mess trouble with a few clicks. With a little typing and a click here and there your forum is gone! Thats why its allmost better not to submit your site to google so it shows up on searches!! I allready made the misstake and have been hacked 1ounce allready! I am not saying this is the way you got hacked but if you have submitted your site to google its a good chance!! But the good thing about c-panel hacking is you can bring it back! Unless the hacker is smart!

Here are the steps to get your forum back if the hacker hacked you the way i think they did!!
1. Loginto your Control Panel
2. Go to File Manager
3. Look on the right (You will see a trash folder)
4. Restore what you want... and there you go!!

If this didnt work i will try and think of another way!

Ok since you have a Cpanel i suggest you do these things! This is to see if all of your post ect ect are gone! or if they saved on sql are are still there

1. Click this link and login https://www.princefams.com:2083/ (This is your Control Pannel is perfectly safe)
2. Look for the img that says "MySQL Databases" below it(3rd line 3rd over!)
3. Look for phpMyAdmin and click it
4. Then find your Sql on the left in drop down menu!
5. If it is there click it and if alot of files come up YOUR IN LUCK AND YOU CAN GET YOUR FORUM BACK TO NORMAL!! WITH A LITTLE BIT OF WORK!!!

If the above files are there leave a message and i will tell you the rest!! but do not re-upload and try to re-install the punbb or all of your post and fourms and regeistered users will be gone

Endre wrote:

My Coppermine gallery and all html-files are still working fine.
No defacing on the front-page or other typical hacker-messages.
Strange thing hmm

That what make me think it was a hacker!! !! Because they were trageting your forum and didnt care to delete the main root(/)

##        Mod title:  Seperate Sig and Avatar in profile
##      Mod version:  1.0.1
##   Works on PunBB:  1.2.10 (should work with all 1.2.*)
##     Release date:  3-1-2006
##           Author:  Artic Chill
##      Description: This easy to do mod seperates the avator and signature
##                   in the profile.php and puts them into their own field set!
##                   (LOOK IN DOWNLOAD SECTION FOR PREVIEW...!) 
##   Files to edit: 2
##                 profile.php
##           lang/english/profile.php
##       Affects DB:  No
##            Notes:  This is a new mod I did in my free time it works but newer 
##                    versions are on the way so expect some major changes to
##                    this mod. Other than that NONE!
##       DISCLAIMER:  Please note that "mods" are not officially supported by
##                    PunBB. Installation of this modification is done at your
##                    own risk. Backup your forum database and any and all
##                    applicable files before proceeding.

Download Link

No i knew that changing the username and pass wont effect anything othr than you will have to edit the Config file!! but i was wanting to agree with me that if it were a hacker or not! But yes i highly suggest going to a google and find a password generator!! So the code will come out like 29381920 or something like that!! If you have fire fox i suggest using this!

https://addons.mozilla.org/extensions/m … php?id=135

Or maby your school id number! Just a suggestion!!

I think you have been hacked i cant think of anyother reason!!you can change your ftp user name and pw in control panel but wait untill someone else also thinks you should!! I could be wrong but these folders just dont vanish!! Wow thats gotta suck!! I hope you had back ups!! But dont do anything till some one else confirms my thoughts!! It could screw up and you would have to start the forum over!! btw Check in ur phpmyadmin and see if the files are still there...


(2 replies, posted in General discussion)

Yeah that would work lol! I have never scan down very far!! If you havnt noticed this is my 1st post in the forum! I someone doesnt mind deleteing this it would mean alot! lol

Open lang/english/common.php


'Unstick topic'            =>  'Unstickytopic',
'Stick topic'            =>  'Sticky topic',

Replace with

'Unstick topic'            =>  'Unhot thred topic',
'Stick topic'            =>  'Hot Thred topic',

Open lang/english/misc.php


'Stick topic redirect'        =>    'Topic sticked. Redirecting …',
'Unstick topic redirect'    =>    'Topic unsticked. Redirecting …',

Replace with

'Stick topic redirect'        =>    'Topic Hot thred. Redirecting …',
'Unstick topic redirect'    =>    'Topic unhot thred. Redirecting …',

Open lang/english/forum.php


'Sticky'        =>    'Sticky',

Replace with:

'Sticky'        =>    'Hot Thred',


(2 replies, posted in General discussion)

I was just thinking about this site and i think it would be nice to add a extra forum to the site!! Consisting of simple php tutorials like coding and extra things.... This could help bring out some coders out and help people that allready are coders refresh on certian things... and get a bigger selection of mods!

This could be more like a "Tutorial" section.... You could explain certian things. For exaple that some things can go after ?>, the basics, how the file knows what to look for, and other things that just could help out!!! Just to keep this board clean you could make a certian section on the punres Wiki that people can submit things into!! But i dont think this should be a section for mods, because we allready have that on these boards. This is just a suggestion... Post your comments!!!!

##        Mod title:  Add a login box below header
##      Mod version:  1.0.2
##   Works on PunBB:  1.2.10 (should work with all 1.2.*)
##     Release date:  3-1-2006
##           Author:  Artic Chill
##      Description:  This mod adds a login box right below the header!
##   Affected files: include/template/main.tpl 
##   Included Files: include/user/login.php
##       Affects DB:  No
##            Notes:  This is a new mod I did in my free time it works but newer 
##                      versions are on the way so expect some major changes to
##                      this mod.
##       DISCLAIMER:  Please note that "mods" are not officially supported by
##                    PunBB. Installation of this modification is done at your
##                    own risk. Backup your forum database and any and all
##                    applicable files before proceeding.

Download here

Yeah Done!

##        Mod title:  Floating Bubbles
##      Mod version:  1.0.1
##   Works on PunBB:  1.2.10 (should work with all 1.2.*)
##     Release date:  3-1-2006
##           Author:  Artic Chill
##      Description:  This mod makes floating bubles on your Punbb!
##   Affected files: include/template/main.tpl
##  Included Files: img/bubble.gif
##       Affects DB:  No
##            Notes:  none!
##       DISCLAIMER:  Please note that "mods" are not officially supported by
##                    PunBB. Installation of this modification is done at your
##                    own risk. Backup your forum database and any and all
##                    applicable files before proceeding.

Download here

##        Mod title:  Top  5 active users 
##      Mod version:  1.0.1
##   Works on PunBB:  1.2.10 (should work with all 1.2.*)
##     Release date:  3-1-2006
##           Author:  Artic Chill
##      Description:  This mod adds top 5 active useres to your forum!
##   Affected files: index.php
##       Affects DB:  No
##            Notes:  This is a new mod I did in my free time it works but newer 
##                      versions are on the way so expect some major changes to
##                      this mod. There are many features i am expecteing to add
##                      depending on the responce of this mod. All though this is
##                      an easy mod it will turn out great now and on later
##                      updates. I hope people acctually download and enjoy this 
##                      mod. Please dont ridicule me on this mod.
##       DISCLAIMER:  Please note that "mods" are not officially supported by
##                    PunBB. Installation of this modification is done at your
##                    own risk. Backup your forum database and any and all
##                    applicable files before proceeding.

Download here




(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Ohh!!! Thanks so much! lol i didnt read that anywhere thanks for the help!


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Please help me! I made a green template... I uploaded the files i was susposed to (ArmyGreen.css and Armygreen_cs.css).. everything works fine untill i look at the preview... well i cant explain it just look for your self...


Reines wrote:

Can't you just use the disable post count feature in admin options?

Yes i didnt realise this till just now!
Never mind i will delete this mod!! My mistake i didnt realise that this was in the admin cp!!! My bad!!

Won't fix the problem why you did it, because it shows in the profile, user list, ...

I am making a update! so this problem will be fixed so it does really matter!

Removed there is an more easy way to do this from acp!

##        Mod title:  Preview button on quick reply
##      Mod version:  1.0.1
##   Works on PunBB:  1.2.10 (should work with all 1.2.*)
##     Release date:  3-1-2006
##           Author:  Artic Chill
##      Description:  This mod adds a preview button on the quick
##                   reply in viewtopic.php!
##   Affected files: viewtopic.php
##       Affects DB:  No
##            Notes:  This is a new mod I did in my free time it works but newer versions are
##                      on the way so expect some major changes to this mod. There are many
##                      features i am expecteing to add depending on the responce of this mod.
##                      All though this is an easy mod it will turn out great now and on later 
##                      updates. I hope people acctually download and enjoy this mod. Please 
##                      dont ridicule me on this mod.
##       DISCLAIMER:  Please note that "mods" are not officially supported by
##                    PunBB. Installation of this modification is done at your
##                    own risk. Backup your forum database and any and all
##                    applicable files before proceeding.

Download Here


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Yeah it works! Thanks!