I have MySQL 5.0 server, and a database which uses cp1251_general_ci collation.

All the data are in cp1251.

PunBB is using Russian as default language, encoding in lang/Russian/common.php is set to windows-1251.

Everything is ok with the language pack, but the messages that are written in russian language, all appear as "???????? ??? ?????"

I have already known such issue, and I decided to add the following line to
lang/Russian/common.php ( after having changed $lang_common['lang_encoding'] to "CP1251"):

$db->query('SET NAMES '.$lang_common['lang_encoding']);

However, I think I just haven't found an easier way to solve this problem.

My solution is simple and is based on Apache module mod_rewrite.

1. Put a .htaccess file in your PunBB installation directory.


RewriteEngine On

RewriteBase /your/path/here/

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} \.php$
RewriteRule (.*) punbb_wrapper.php [L]

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} \.php$
RewriteRule ^/?$ punbb_wrapper.php [L]

2. Put a punbb_wrapper.php to the same directory.



$uri = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
if (@$uri['path'] == ($self_dir = dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) ||
    @$uri['path'] == $self_dir."/") {
    $inc = dirname(__FILE__)."/index.php";
} elseif (is_file($inc = dirname(__FILE__)."/".basename($uri['path']))) {
} else {
    die("Illegal usage");

// getting HTML generated by PunBB
$_ob_contents_punbb = ob_get_contents();
// got HTML generated by PunBB

* Voila!
* in the $_ob_contents_punbb variable is the whole HTML output of PunBB page
* We could now simply write
* echo $_ob_contents_punbb;
* (this is, as you can see, not in any way sensible :-)) )
* Or use $_ob_contents_punbb in some other way (for example:
*  $my_smarty->assign('punbb_html', $_ob_contents_punbb);
* )


Forgot to mention:
there _is_ one line of PunBB php code that has to be changed if you want to succeed with my approach.
line 161 of footer.php must be changed from




Have fun ))

-------------- Rubbish before this line ------------------
Sorry everybody. I'm new to PunBB and haven't discovered the <pun_include> template directive before current minute...