That's not what I'm talking about. I turned off the auto-URL to try and fix the BBCode but the URLs in the BBCode still get turned into links.
1 2012-02-29 20:05
Re: URLs automatically becoming links (2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.4 troubleshooting)
2 2012-02-27 03:12
Topic: URLs automatically becoming links (2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.4 troubleshooting)
I turned off the feature where PunBB automatically turns urls into links, but it's still changing them and it's messing with my custom tags. Right now I have a solution where the users have to strip the http:// off the front to make it work and then the tag adds that later as part of the replacement, but I'd like them to be able to post the full URL.
3 2012-01-09 19:08
Topic: The Fail Forums (0 replies, posted in PunBB show off)
Running from
If you like failing/failure/lolz/anything related, then you might want to join. We have a ton of new tags, and updated tags, too. We have a glow tag that adds a text-shadow to any text (works amazing when you combine it with tektek's bbcode gradient and replace color with glow), we have an updated color tag that accepts colors in 2 more formats. rgb(RRR,GGG,BBB) and #RGB. We are also working on a shop, and it's got one thing left before it's functional. We also have awards/medals that will be working when I find the time to write all the str_replaces.
4 2012-01-04 02:51
Re: Punbb's user variables (5 replies, posted in Discussions)
Yeah, pretty sure. I'll have it print out all the information it gets to make sure.
5 2012-01-02 06:00
Re: Punbb's user variables (5 replies, posted in Discussions)
One more problem, when I'm trying to log users in, I'm getting a different hash than the one that's in the database. I included functions.php, and used the same function the forum does when it logs users in. But when I echo both hashes, they are different.
6 2012-01-02 05:54
Re: [WIP] Custom Smilies/Smiley Gallery (5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)
Great! Right now it's only half-done. The other half will get finished when this shop/image awards thing I'm working on is done.
7 2011-12-31 01:38
Re: [WIP] Custom Smilies/Smiley Gallery (5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)
I'm currently working on an admin interface for this extension.
8 2011-12-25 22:21
Re: Punbb's user variables (5 replies, posted in Discussions)
Thank you, Grez. Now I can finish my shop.
9 2011-12-25 20:38
Topic: Punbb's user variables (5 replies, posted in Discussions)
I'm trying to make something for my forums and I need to know how the forums passes information from one page to another. I thought it would be session variables, but I was looking through the php files and I didn't see $_SESSION[''] anywhere. I need the $forum_user array so the page will work correctly.
10 2011-12-15 20:54
Re: How to backup a database to import to another database on another host (7 replies, posted in Discussions)
PHPMyAdmin is great for importing/exporting databases. Combine that with notepad's replace function and you can sort things out very quickly. Use notepad to update your database with new info like base url and things like that.
11 2011-12-15 20:50
Re: Should we still support IE6? (9 replies, posted in Development)
What would be important is that users who visit a PunBB forum with IE6 are notified that their browser is incompatible and that they should upgrade. Then, the onus is on them do to something about it.
You could modify this.
12 2011-12-10 13:09
Re: MySQL Queries (2 replies, posted in General discussion)
I guess this topic can be closed. I finished the CSS Editor and a whole SuperEdit page for my admins a few days ago.
13 2011-12-07 22:52
Topic: Image Awards? (0 replies, posted in Feature requests)
I'm trying to make my own image awards mod, but it's really not working out . If anyone could help me get things straight, that'd be great. I'm not exactly sure how to get the award info out of the DB and under the user's title/avatar in viewtopic.php.
This... is in the wrong forum, isn't it?
14 2011-11-23 13:39
Re: Forum news (pun_forum_news) (15 replies, posted in Supported extensions)
Thank you. I was looking for that page
15 2011-11-23 08:18
Re: Adding custom smilies to PunBB 1.4 (2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.4 troubleshooting)
in the parser.php where the smilies are done there's a height=15 and a width=15 comment them or delete them.
16 2011-11-23 08:16
Re: Forum news (pun_forum_news) (15 replies, posted in Supported extensions)
I downloaded it from the link in the first post. The forums on my site are working again, btw.
17 2011-11-21 00:08
Topic: MySQL Queries (2 replies, posted in General discussion)
So I have this CSS editor thing right here:
$db_host = 'dis my host';
$db_name = 'dis my db';
$db_username = 'dis my other stuff';
$db_password = 'dis my other stuff';
//Connect to the db
$db = mysql_connect($db_host,$db_username,$db_password);
if (!$con)
die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
//Grab any custom css that's already been entered...
$css = mysql_query("SELECT css FROM css");
mysql_select_db($db_name, $db);
//Insert any css entered into the form
if (isset($_POST['css'])) {
mysql_query("INSERT INTO pun_css (css) VALUES("$css")") or error("Unable to insert CSS into database.");
echo "CSS has been inserted into database successfully. Now you better pray it works right, nub.<br />";
echo "Now to see if it worked. If you can see something here:<br /> <blockquote>" . $_POST['css'] . "</blockquote><br />Then it worked.... maybe.";
//Display the css form if there's existing css
elseif (isset($css)) {
echo "<form action=csseditor.php method=post><textarea name=css rows=600 cols=800>" . $css . "</textarea><br /><input type=submit value=Submit /></form>";
//If there's no css in the db
else {
echo "<form action=csseditor.php method=post><textarea name=css rows=600 cols=800>Insert your custom css here.</textarea><br /><input type=submit value=Submit /></form>";
and it doesn't work. I'm getting
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in /home/a9376970/public_html/punstuff/csseditor/csseditor.php on line 24
if someone could walk me through the long list of things I'm doing wrong I would appreciate it.
18 2011-11-20 22:43
Re: Edit html source code? (1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)
cyclone from has made both a css and html editor for his users. you might ask him on the support forums if he'd be willing to give that to you.
19 2011-11-20 21:42
Re: Forum news (pun_forum_news) (15 replies, posted in Supported extensions)
I'm getting this error everywhere:
Warning: require(./ extensions/
pun_forum _news/ lang/English/
pun_forum _news. php)
[ function.require ]: failed to open
stream: No such file or directory in /
home/a 9376970/public_ html/pun/
include/common. php(129) : eval
()'d code on line 13
If anyone needs me I'll be reinstalling punbb
20 2011-11-20 13:02
Re: Adding new smilies (2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.4 bug reports)
'/oo/\' You mean right there? Alright.
Thank you so much. I commented out the cheese section and it worked! Now my users can... hm... goof off like we always do. But with more smileys.
21 2011-11-20 02:31
Topic: Adding new smilies (2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.4 bug reports)
Here's my line in parser.php:
$smilies = array(':)' => 'smile.png', '=)' => 'smile.png', ':|' => 'neutral.png', '=|' => 'neutral.png', ':(' => 'sad.png', '=(' => 'sad.png', ':D' => 'big_smile.png', '=D' => 'big_smile.png', ':o' => 'yikes.png', ':O' => 'yikes.png', ';)' => 'wink.png', ':/' => 'hmm.png', ':P' => 'tongue.png', ':p' => 'tongue.png', ':lol:' => 'lol.png', ':mad:' => 'mad.png', ':roll:' => 'roll.png', ':cool:' => 'cool.png', '^_^' => '^_^.png', ':/\' => 'smallsmile.png', ':/'(' => 'cry.png', '<:)' => 'santa.png', 'o.O' => 'wat.png', 'O.o' => 'wat.png', '0.o' => 'wat.png', 'o.0' => 'wat.png', ':s' => 'huh.png', ':shifty:' => 'shifty.gif', ':rolleye:' => 'rolleyes.gif', ':nyan:' => 'nyan.png', ':nayn:' => 'nayn.png', ':mrsmile:' => 'mrsmile.png', 'T_T' => 'ugh.png', 'T.T' => 'ugh.png', ':grin:' => 'grin.png', 'XD' => 'xd.png', 'xd' => 'xd.png', 'XP' => 'xp.png', 'xp' => 'xp.png', ':baseball:' => 'baseballbat.gif', '@:P' => 'baseballbat.gif', ':confused:' => 'confused.gif', ':scared:' => 'scared.png', '<:o' => 'scared.png', ':3' => 'derp.png', '=3' => 'derp.png', ':srsly:' => 'srsly.png', ':rly:' => 'srsly.png', ':music:' => 'music.gif', '{^_^}' => 'music.gif', '{^.^}' => 'music.gif', ':epic:' => 'awesome.png', ':awescroll:' => 'awescroll.gif', ':ban:' => 'ban.gif', ':drown:' => 'drown.gif', ':scream:' => 'scream.gif', 'D:>' => 'scream.gif', ':jump:' => 'jump.gif', ':drink:' => 'pepsi.gif', ':soda:' => 'pepsi.gif', ':popcorn:' => 'popcorn.gif', ':cat:' => 'cat.png', ':dog:' => 'dog.png', ':cheese:' => 'cheese.png', '/oo/\' => 'cheese.png', '//\' => 'cheese.png');
I checked it and checked again for errors but I still get a
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting ')' in /home/a9376970/public_html/pun/include/parser.php on line 23
Can anyone see what I'm missing here?
Just a second...
$smilies = array(':)' => 'smile.png', '=)' => 'smile.png', ':|' => 'neutral.png', '=|' => 'neutral.png', ':(' => 'sad.png', '=(' => 'sad.png', ':D' => 'big_smile.png', '=D' => 'big_smile.png', ':o' => 'yikes.png', ':O' => 'yikes.png', ';)' => 'wink.png', ':/' => 'hmm.png', ':P' => 'tongue.png', ':p' => 'tongue.png', ':lol:' => 'lol.png', ':mad:' => 'mad.png', ':roll:' => 'roll.png', ':cool:' => 'cool.png', '^_^' => '^_^.png', '(:' => 'smallsmile.png', '):' => 'cry.png', '<:)' => 'santa.png', 'o.O' => 'wat.png', 'O.o' => 'wat.png', '0.o' => 'wat.png', 'o.0' => 'wat.png', ':s' => 'huh.png', ':shifty:' => 'shifty.gif', ':rolleye:' => 'rolleyes.gif', ':nyan:' => 'nyan.png', ':nayn:' => 'nayn.png', ':mrsmile:' => 'mrsmile.png', 'T_T' => 'ugh.png', 'T.T' => 'ugh.png', ':grin:' => 'grin.png', 'XD' => 'xd.png', 'xd' => 'xd.png', 'XP' => 'xp.png', 'xp' => 'xp.png', ':baseball:' => 'baseballbat.gif', '@:P' => 'baseballbat.gif', ':confused:' => 'confused.gif', ':scared:' => 'scared.png', '<:o' => 'scared.png', ':3' => 'derp.png', '=3' => 'derp.png', ':srsly:' => 'srsly.png', ':rly:' => 'srsly.png', ':music:' => 'music.gif', '{^_^}' => 'music.gif', '{^.^}' => 'music.gif', ':epic:' => 'awesome.png', ':awescroll:' => 'awescroll.gif', ':ban:' => 'ban.gif', ':drown:' => 'drown.gif', ':scream:' => 'scream.gif', 'D:>' => 'scream.gif', ':jump:' => 'jump.gif', ':drink:' => 'pepsi.gif', ':soda:' => 'pepsi.gif', ':popcorn:' => 'popcorn.gif', ':cat:' => 'cat.png', ':dog:' => 'dog.png', ':cheese:' => 'cheese.png', '/oo/\' => 'cheese.png', '//\' => 'cheese.png');
$smilies = array(':)' => 'smile.png', '=)' => 'smile.png', ':|' => 'neutral.png', '=|' => 'neutral.png', ':(' => 'sad.png', '=(' => 'sad.png', ':D' => 'big_smile.png', '=D' => 'big_smile.png', ':o' => 'yikes.png', ':O' => 'yikes.png', ';)' => 'wink.png', ':/' => 'hmm.png', ':P' => 'tongue.png', ':p' => 'tongue.png', ':lol:' => 'lol.png', ':mad:' => 'mad.png', ':roll:' => 'roll.png', ':cool:' => 'cool.png', '^_^' => '^_^.png', '(:' => 'smallsmile.png', '):' => 'cry.png', '<:)' => 'santa.png', 'o.O' => 'wat.png', 'O.o' => 'wat.png', '0.o' => 'wat.png', 'o.0' => 'wat.png', ':s' => 'huh.png', ':shifty:' => 'shifty.gif', ':rolleye:' => 'rolleyes.gif', ':nyan:' => 'nyan.png', ':nayn:' => 'nayn.png', ':mrsmile:' => 'mrsmile.png', 'T_T' => 'ugh.png', 'T.T' => 'ugh.png', ':grin:' => 'grin.png', 'XD' => 'xd.png', 'xd' => 'xd.png', 'XP' => 'xp.png', 'xp' => 'xp.png', ':baseball:' => 'baseballbat.gif', '@:P' => 'baseballbat.gif', ':confused:' => 'confused.gif', ':scared:' => 'scared.png', '<:o' => 'scared.png', ':3' => 'derp.png', '=3' => 'derp.png', ':srsly:' => 'srsly.png', ':rly:' => 'srsly.png', ':music:' => 'music.gif', '{^_^}' => 'music.gif', '{^.^}' => 'music.gif', ':epic:' => 'awesome.png', ':awescroll:' => 'awescroll.gif', ':ban:' => 'ban.gif', ':drown:' => 'drown.gif', ':scream:' => 'scream.gif', 'D:>' => 'scream.gif', ':jump:' => 'jump.gif', ':drink:' => 'pepsi.gif', ':soda:' => 'pepsi.gif', ':popcorn:' => 'popcorn.gif', ':cat:' => 'cat.png', ':dog:' => 'dog.png', ':cheese:' => 'cheese.png'/*, '/oo/\' => 'cheese.png', '//\' => 'cheese.png'*/);