Sorry why you dont undrustant me.. sorry i dont know good English
I want change Title members of Moderator but dont change>>>>
plz help me

thx sir
My error is
IF i want to change  another member to Senior Member .. dont changes???
for ex.: i have member of my forum names is Hemin .. he is new members.. i want change Hemin to Senior Member >>> if I change of admin page dont changed and open an error page
thnx to help me

hello all
I have big problem
I want to change another user in my forum For example Jone is new members i want change to Administer but dont change and view an Error page that is a page


plz help me>> I think I Add another mod and have this problem>>
plz help me plzzzzz

plzzzzzzzz any one help me?

yes I know have message on here nut I like to show by message box (i think this is javasctipt)>>
if have that plz tell me..
happy newroz to u too

Hello all
Thnx for this Private Message nice
Can If i login in forum have message box tell me have new Private Message ??
thank you for all

Hi all
I make private massege but have a problemmm
my private massege work goods but have that error

and I ahve Quation
iF i delete this forum and make new forum delete all topic or not?
plz help me

thnx very very very much sir

hi all
Can I add text box of my punbb forum ??
this is textbox

I want view SWF file in my forum or in my sign??
have bbcode to that?? have any mod can that?

How? I dont undrustant sad
what can I do now?

thnx for all
i see this link but I dont undrustant
hove more topic i dont know what I dooooo
plz help me

hi all
I want to find mod or code to work SWF file in my Forum??
can help me?

yes I mean
new/active topics


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

no sorry
i mean RSS view in my forum main page
move in my mail page

i make RSS of my forum by extern
but how i use in index of my forum?


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

I very very happy to find this team and help me
i have to Qation
1-I use user group color it is very nice
name of user to show below (visiter today) dot color?? see pic
2-i search more of your site but dont find post to learn how I use extern.php and RSS in header of my forum??
thnx for all

thnx very much
sorry my English is not good
Moderated is Ip and more things of forum can I change option of Moderated dont see IP of members??

I have Site design by Nuke and I have PunBB forum>> Can I view topic in my site(nuke)?/
thnx to help me

thnx Mr. pogenwurst
1-I mean open any link of another site in my forum open in a blank page..
but I want open part of my forum open in some page...
4-thnx i worked that it is good but can I change color and this counter of left not center?? thnx
2 + 3 ????

hello all
i thnx for all in this forum to help me
i have any quation plz help me iam new in this forum
1-can i fix forum to open any link in forum opeded in any blank page??
2-can I change option of Moderated?? for example dot see IP?? or more ..
3-name of member of left can i change to right see the pic
4-Have counter of this forum?? how?
thnx to help me

thnx very very much

I have a problems
1-every person if register of my forum the post is (member)
Q: How I change (new Member >> Member >> ...)
2-My bellow Scroll bar is very very long see my Site

plz help me

oh no is not good have this Error

You are running a version of PunBB (1.2.10) that this mod does not support. This mod supports PunBB versions: 1.2.3, 1.2.4

yes you right iam Kurdish iam from Iraq
and I try that if I have any problem tell you