I suspected that, so I did choose a moderator, still nothing
2 2011-11-27 21:15
Re: Avatar automatic resize when upload (11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.4 additions)
Aight! Will get right to it! ..and thanks for putting up with me :>
EDIT: well, didnt work, im not saying your code is the problem though, I think something could be wrong with my installation or somethin. Bcuz I have this index "problem", it started with the extension "last_topic_title_on_forum_index", nothing showed up on index-page, and then the extension "pun_admin_clear_cache", no link appeared in footer, and even when I checked the box for "Show moderator list on index", which is a standard forum function, nothing showed up on index... so something must be wrong with my installation, should do a reinstall I think.
EDIT2: At the moment I'm using the very first method you gave me, works just fine!
in the style css document:
.useravatar img{
width: 150px;
height: auto;
combined with a modification of your extension, only updating the infobox, in manifest.xml:
<hook id="pf_change_details_avatar_pre_header_load"><![CDATA[
$forum_page['frm_info']['avatar_size'] .= '<li><span>Images will be resized automatically, if they\'re wider than 150 pixels.</span></li>';
Works great at the moment
3 2011-11-27 21:10
Re: Last topic titile on index page (32 replies, posted in Supported extensions)
Hmm.. now I'm sensing a pattern here, I don't think its the extension thats causing any problem, but my forum.
In the Settings -> Features theres a setting that says: "Show moderators list on the index page."
I checked that, but nothing is displayed on index page about any moderators (dunno how it should look though)
..and same with the clear cache extension, didnt see any link for clearing cache at footer either... something must be wrong
4 2011-11-27 20:29
Re: Avatar automatic resize when upload (11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.4 additions)
Thanks for info, I tried it, but the code was a little different in profile.php on PunBB1.4 compared to 1.3, but tried anyway, didnt make it work like it was supposed to
5 2011-11-27 15:39
Re: Avatar automatic resize when upload (11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.4 additions)
EDIT: Hmm... dont really work so good. The info is working but the avatars are scaling wierd. First of all the width stretches to more then the max value, and the height is maintained. But the aspect ratio isnt keeped.
I set the limits in manifest.xml to max width = 150 and max height = 200,
and the output on forum was;
example1: 500x304 became 200x200
example2: 246x249 became 193x200
EDIT2: Tested to uninstall the extension, to see the output, and it stretches image by itself. The forum settings are 500x500. I uploaded a 500x304, and the output became 255x255 so the aspect ratio changed and the limit was 255 :S
6 2011-11-27 11:50
Re: Avatar automatic resize when upload (11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.4 additions)
Oh, I will try it!
You set max value both for height and width? Does that mean it will always take the bigger value to the limit, and the other to its current aspect ratio, if you know what I mean?
EDIT: Working fine! Removed code, installed extension, tested to upload smaller image then max and it didnt scale up, tested with bigger and it scaled down, SWEET!
Question: when a users go to the "upload avatar" section in profile, theres a info text saying things like:
Uploading a new avatar will replace your existing avatar.
The allowed image file types are gif, jpeg and png.
The maximum image size allowed is 500x500 pixels and 50,000 bytes (49 KB).
I want to add a text to that infobox saying like "Images will autoresize if bigger then 80x80", I've found the forum/lang/English/profile.php where the text is, but to add a line requires a new php-tag aswell. I'm not exactly the php-pro so don't really know how to do it
7 2011-11-26 23:49
Re: Avatar automatic resize when upload (11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.4 additions)
You should off the limits ( set big ones ) in administration panel ( Settings -> Features -> Avatar max width/height ) and then add this to your's style CSS, preferably at the bottom.
.useravatar img{ width: 80px; height: auto; }
EDIT: Worked like a charm! Thank you very much! The image byte size can still be set at the forum-settings, thus removing the chance of getting really big images.
+1 Karma
Like your Hydrogen template aswell, using it, loving it!
8 2011-11-26 20:50
Re: Last topic titile on index page (32 replies, posted in Supported extensions)
Tested, didnt work
It says extension installed, and config settings show up in Adminpage -> Settings -> Features
And that it's enabled.
9 2011-11-26 20:37
Re: Last topic titile on index page (32 replies, posted in Supported extensions)
Im using the one u posted, says on my extensions: Version 0.6.8
Using the "Hydrogen" theme by Kyshi (but tried aswell with Oxygen)
Checked logs, honestly didnt know what to look for but couldnt find any "error" message, or "err"
If theres a way to check logs via forum then I dont know where to find.
This "rebuild index" thing, should I try that?
EDIT: Perhaps its using a function i've turned off? Like "show moderators list on index page" (just an example), turned off quite a few...
10 2011-11-26 20:19
Re: Last topic titile on index page (32 replies, posted in Supported extensions)
Tried, didnt work, screen of my version:
11 2011-11-26 20:01
Topic: Avatar automatic resize when upload (11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.4 additions)
Hi! Dunno if this has been discussed before, but didn't find anything about it when I searched.
My question is simple, is there any way to make the avatar to resize itself when you upload.
It doesnt need to actually resize, only change the appearence.
I upload a image thats 200x150, and its displayed as the margins you set, like 80x80. But the image itself are still 200x150.
As in the html code:
"title.gif" is 200x150
<img src="title.gif" width="80" height="80">
Or even better if the aspect ratio is keeped. The height value is a variable. So the width is fixed to say 80px, and the height becomes what aspect ratio the image has.
Upload "title.gif" thats 200x150
Resize to 80x#
Displays as 80x60 (the same aspect ratio but with 80 in width)
Anybody understands what I'm saying? Sorry for bad english or stupid examples, it's just for being clear.
Anyway, can this be done? (via extension or modification or anything)
This will simplify the ability to upload avatars and wont force ppl to resize their images in photoshop or whatev, not every1 knows how to do it properly. Ofc you can set the size restriction.
12 2011-11-26 19:21
Re: Last topic titile on index page (32 replies, posted in Supported extensions)
Will this be supported for PunBB 1.4?
If its already working then I must be doing something wrong, doesnt display anything on index-page. And yes.. I have synced all forums