(11 replies, posted in News)

Hello Kushi, that's why I am writing here, I did put the code into min/Oxygen.min.css and put even img folder into the min folder but it still doesn't work. Even when I tried to use your code: body{background-image: url('../img/background3.jpg); }. sad Any further ideas? thank you very much!


(11 replies, posted in News)

Hey, it looks awesome! Thank you very much! I have only a minor problem though. I would like to add a background image to the oxygen theme and I am unable to make it work. Previously I used this css code:
body  {background-image: url("img/background3.jpg");} and have put the img folder inside the Oxygen style folder. This worked in 3.6.5 version but doesn't work now (I have now edited the Oxygen.min.css instead of Oxygen_cs.css).  Could you please help me with this? I am getting a headache from it wink. Thank you very much!