And if after fixing it you continue to see space around your images, try
td img {display: block)
Ive got it working but thanks anyway
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PunBB Forums → Posts by Jdallen
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And if after fixing it you continue to see space around your images, try
td img {display: block)
Ive got it working but thanks anyway
Ive made a new page layout what do you think?
Do you really not see the problem with what you're doing?
You can't just declare multiple doctypes, open up new <html> tags, etc and expect everything to be OK … Findex.php
Fix these and then you should be fine (or at least better off than now)
Now that was a stupid mistake. It didnt even occur to me. Thankyou
I have integrated my forum into my website but for some reason the header seems to be messed up. This only happens in firefox though :S In Explorer it is fine. is my forum.
Below is what is in my main.tpl
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Ive added adverts to the top of my forums. What do you think? look alright?
haha asking if ad's look alright i mean are they are ok.
Thankyou Paul. That wasnt it.. i did try it.
Was a stupid mistake really as I didnt set the border of the image to 0px hehe.
How comes my banner at the top of the page has a 'blue border' around it?
It is a link banner which goes to my idex.php page. I dont understand why it has a blue outline around it when clicked as none of my other image buttons do that on my site.
one suggestion tho, you might want to change the black text in posts to an easier to read color. black on dark grey can be a pain to read on long posts. my opinion tho.
Ohh yeah. Good thinking thanks. Ive changed it now.
Btw -
Thanks alot guys I should be getting the whole site up later on today.
What style are you using?
Yes as Dr.Jeckyl said I just edited the Oxygen style.
Hello, I downloaded PunBB the other day and set it up on my site because.. well... its amazing!!
Thankyou very much for it (I cant remember the name of the person who made it).
Here is mine if you would like to have a look -
Nothing on my site works at the moment as ive just started to make it
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PunBB Forums → Posts by Jdallen
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