Ok, here is what i need to be able to do...

A anonymous guest comes to my site(wordpress). He fills out an application form(gaming guild thing). This form needs to automatically post to a forum thread for the guild officers to discuss and eventually approve/deny the user.

Now so far this is what i have come up with. Using a forms addon for wordpress(a few of them infact) i can either create a wordpress post or have it email the form. With these 2 options i have looked at things like phpbb(with the wordpress bridge) which "sometimes" works to take the wordpress post and auto create a forum post. I have also looked at things that will make a forum posting from emails.

Now this is where i am stuck. The main site needs to be wordpress, however the forums do not have to be punbb, it can be any forum suite.

why did i come here to ask... you ask... well i have seen this in action, working on another guild site. I attempted to ask the site admin how he did it, but have yet to recieve a response(yeah i waited more then a week). He is using Wordpress with Custom Contact Form 7, along with PunBB. The custom contact form 7 uses the email method, but after that im not sure what happens backend wise to get that info into PunBB.

I have seen some posts around the web about bridging punbb and wordpress, but the most recent i could find is perhaps 5 years old, and rather outdated for both WP and PunBB versions.

So has anyone heard of a string of addons i can use to make this happen. I am attempting to avoid making custom php/html for this. Not that i am unfamiliar with it, just rather have something already out there, and perhaps being updated still(aka reliable and already tested.)