easyphp allows you to host PHP and MySQL websites on your own computer.
The address to the directory where the sites are is http://localhost/
To access phpmyadmin, you go to

It's just the same as doing it all online, just that you can do it on your own computer, then upload it to your host.

Hope that help smile

I'd suggest converting offline then!

www.easyphp.org  <-- offline Apache, MySQl server. Excellent for testing stuff!

Conver the database offline, then upload all to the host smile



(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Good to see another metal head \m/

I guess I should also post this here!
http://doommetalforums.be <-- this is a site based on punBB and the MetalSites template. Simply at the moment it easier for me to use that template than making a new one. First, I want to learn a bit more about integrating punBB and getting my own pages CSS working again lol.

Also, I'm thinking of migrating from phpBB2 to punBB at http://blackmetalforums.be. If anyone is experienced in converting, it'd be great if they could give some advice, cos I'm confused as hell lol

Finally, this is nothing to do with me, but I got the idea to use punBB from the Shape of Despair forums over at http://shapeofdespair.com/forum/
(so there's atleast 3 metal based forums we know of running punBB smile




(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Sorry to do two posts in a row, but this includes the solution to my problem tongue

When editing main.tpl, I inadvertantly erased the old <pun_header>, and only included the main part of the forums!
When integrating, remember to start from the <BODY> tag onwards, otherwise you'll get the forums without CSS applied.



(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

I'm working on a site at the moment which will be a showcase and downloads area for web templates I make.
You can find it at


It's far from finished. I still have to properly integrate punBB with the main site. If anyone is experienced in doing that, or knows how I can integrate quickly and painlessly, please feel free to reply smile




I've gotten as far as editing main.tpl so that the forums appear inside my main website page. Is there a way to get the CSS working inside the page?


Thanks in advance!