Ludo --

Rickard's plugin worked fine. The reason I didn't download the whole updated package and install, is that I've done extensive mods to the interface (reworking modules so they're standards compliant and validate in strict XHTML), and I didn't know if running the update.php would kick everything back to the defaults.

As you've probably guessed from my questions, I know just enough PHP to be dangerous. I teach XHTML and CSS in college courses, but PHP is still a few miles down the road for me. I'm presently trying to piece together a script for that will take the payer's email and payment status from the PayPal IBN module, insert it into a database, then reference it prior to validating the new user's registration form. The sticky part (for me, anyway) is merging something like that with my present authorization scripts.

It's all mind-numbing after a while.

Thanks to Ludo, Elzar, snapsolutions for the replies. Very helpful.


This is not a real big deal, but...

I updated to 1.2.11 by manually editing the two files provided by Rickard, and everything works great. (No surprise there, eh?) My version number down in the bottom of the page is still 1.2.10. Anybody know which php file I can change that in?


I'll tell you the same thing I told Mr. Puto when he answered on the "Show Off" page: I should have dug deeper into all that PunBB has to offer (admin console in particular) before asking. Thanks. The readers of this froum are as fast as the forum itself.



(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Sheesh! Not only is the software fast, but so are the replies. Many thanks, my friend. (I really need to explore the admin console in detail, don't I?)


I dug around the posts and found an exchange between 'muddy' and a couple of other people regarding this, but it was dated 2003, and although the concepts haven't changed much since then, the line sequences have.

Question: How do I ADD a link at the end of the main menu (after 'login/logout') that will take users back to the home site?

Muddy asked the same question, but all he got was info on modifying an existing link; i.e., changing the anchor tag reference on the 'Home' link (which is now 'Index' in the version I have) so it takes him to his home page instead of to the forum's index page.

I can see in the functions page (functions.php) where all this happens, beginning at line 236 (in v1.2.10). To ADD (not modify, mind you) another link after 'login,' this seems like it should do the trick if inserted after line 253:

$links[] = '<li id="webwiredhome"><a href="../../index.php">'.$lang_common['Webwired Home'].'</a>';

But I know enough about php to know that I don't know enough about php:)

Which is to say, does that line automatically generate the hyperlink? If so, why doesn't it appear in the menu bar after saving, uploading, etc.?

This is just a guess, but I'm thinking the id="..." needs to be set somewhere else as well, not just filled in here.

By the way, 'index.php' is the name of the home page I want to access with this link, located two levels up from functions.php.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks much.



(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

First, thanks to Rickard for an awesome forum app. Validates as 'strict' no less. Very cool. And screamingly fast. This is well worth the $20 I kicked in. (C'mon folks. Time is money, and from where I sit, he's spent more than few weeks sitting at the computer smile

Anyway, with very minor mods I was able to tweak forum and home site interfaces so they match.

Home page:

I've got a question about linking back to the home page from the forum's index, but I'll dig around the topics and see if I can dig up an answer. If not, I'll post something in troubleshooting (or wherever else seems appropriate.)

Thanks again, Rickard. And to everyone else who conrtibutes to the ongoing development of PunBB. This thing rocks.
