Just updated. Thanks for mobile version.
2 2012-09-12 14:58
Re: Remove page number from the tittle (6 replies, posted in Feature requests)
What error? Can you show code starting with $crumbs .=
This is my code, but with some modifications:
for ($i = $num_crumbs - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) {
$crumbs .= (is_array($forum_page['crumbs'][$i]) ?
forum_htmlencode($forum_page['crumbs'][$i][0]) :
forum_htmlencode($forum_page['crumbs'][$i])).((isset($forum_page['page']) && $i == ($num_crumbs - 1)) ?
($forum_page['page'] == 1) ? '' : ' ('.$lang_common['Page'].' '.forum_number_format($forum_page['page']).')' :
'').($i >= 1 ? $lang_common['Title separator'] : '');
3 2012-09-02 05:50
Re: [Release][Extension] Thanks (37 replies, posted in PunBB 1.4 additions)
I found a little bug. It doesn't show thanks on 2, 3, etc. pages (Page Not found)
To fix it:
The code in the file extensions/nya_thanks/url/rewrite_rule.php:
$forum_rewrite_rules['/^thanks[\/_-]?view?([0-9a-z]+)[\/_-]?(p|page\/)([0-9]+)(\.html?|\/)?$/i'] = 'misc.php?r=nya_thanks/thanks/view/uid/$1&p=$3';
$forum_rewrite_rules['/^thanks[\/_-]?view[\/_-]?([0-9a-z]+)[\/_-]?(p|page\/)([0-9]+)(\.html?|\/)?$/i'] = 'misc.php?r=nya_thanks/thanks/view/uid/$1&p=$3';
4 2012-08-31 16:45
Re: Remove page number from the tittle (6 replies, posted in Feature requests)
Find and open the file include/functions.php
Look for function generate_crumbs(). Find the code:
' ('.$lang_common['Page'].' '.forum_number_format($forum_page['page']).')'
And replace with this one:
($forum_page['page'] == 1) ? '' : ' ('.$lang_common['Page'].' '.forum_number_format($forum_page['page']).')')
5 2012-08-29 10:54
Re: Ukrainian Programming Forum (3 replies, posted in PunBB show off)
Sorry for my english.
6 2012-08-28 17:41
Topic: Ukrainian Programming Forum (3 replies, posted in PunBB show off)
Hi, I created Ukrainian Programming Forum. PunBB is a very comfortable and easy engine, so I decided to use it. Style is mine.
If you have any suggestions feel free to talk. Thanks.
URL: http://replace.org.ua