Going by the demo at softaculous.com your forum software appeals to me very much, but before putting in time installing and testing I need to know if it meets two requirements that are critical to us.
1. Creation of separate groups/forums that are completely closed to non-members. No one can even view posts unless they are a registered member and logged in. For example: Only members of the Badminton group can login to, and view messages in, the Badminton Forum. Same goes for the Table Tennis Forum and the Kung Fu Forum and so on.
2. Members must be able to opt to receive e-mail notification of *ALL* posts made to their particular group/forum, including *COMPLETELY NEW TOPICS* or responses to existing topics.
The number of people eligible to join each group will be small -- I should imagine around 30-50 maximum, much less for most groups/forums.
Any advice much appreciated.
- Rosie.