(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.4 additions)

Okey! now i got it to change colors! smile

but now i have one more problem. my "sprite.png" bar, how do i get it so its not transparent?


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.4 additions)

Ive changed all that also the textcolor but its still white/blue instead of black/orange but i wrote the colors with six (6) digits

When i had the firebug application with forefox the forum was black and orange but when i reloaded the page again (after i changed the css file) it was white/blue


Ive been changing the colors on the oxygen skin ive used the firebug tool to see the color i wanted and then i copied the code and pasted it in the oxygen CSS-File but the colors didnt change?

what did i do wrong?

if you want i can paste the whole code..

greetings Pebexxa