Kushi wrote:

Use Notepad++ and set encoding to UTF8 without BOM.
And everything should be fine smile. Well at least it is with polish characters like ó ą ś ć ż ź ę

Thank you very much! We will go ahead and share our work when we a ready.
But I noticed that I cannot post here:
http://punbb.informer.com/forums/forum/ … age-packs/
It says: Sorry! no permission to post new topics

I guess maybe I will be able to post there, when my user becomes older, or once I have an minimum number of post...




We are using a 1.2.23 version of PunBB and we would like to upgrade it to the latest version. But we need a Catalan Language Pack and as far as I can tell it is not available. So we are willing to create it ourselves.

Can you advise me on the process? I undestand that we have to follow these steps (please correct me if I'm wrong):

1) Download the latest version of PunBB, for example:
2) Copy folder /lang/English and renamet to /lang/Catalan
3) Edit all the files and translate the necessary tokens.

My questions are:

Can I use special characters like "fòrum" or should they be encoded like "fòrum?

Thank you for your help in advance.
