Hello, I wish to add


to the profile pages and maybe the userlists... How can I do this?
also how do i change the deleted pages that show up with.. Bad request. The link you followed is incorrect or outdated.

as they apear with <META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="NOINDEX, FOLLOW"> ie follow instead of nofollow or will this not make a difference and is needed to show search engines that pages are deleted?

Anyhelp? Thanks!


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.4 additions)

Thank you. Just what i have been looking for, however the download site isnt loading?

Im making a about me profile field by editing the yahoo profile field i have renamed it using lang and have made it able to store more data via database however how can i now make it so its nota input box but textarea so not all on one line?

Any help please

Iv tried just changing the input id= to textarea and that but that displayed a textarea that doesnt save to profile and displays inside it a whol load of html code and stuff.. any help?



after using lang profile file change a field so that it says about me hopw can i then change the size and character limit of the input and display box to be able to fit a couple hundred words in the profile box?

Any ideas?


never mind i worked it out, i just now have to make the input box when editing the about section different so it just not one long line...

Okay so now my only trouble is making the input box on the existing contact field into a textarea instead of input? any ideas?

���l]���X�Bx��� <<<<<< o row of these are displaying in the index page? what are they any help? thanks

They disappeared when i refreshed.. anothjer problem that disappeared when i reloaded the page was the login in the announcement section moved down to under register it moved back to where it was when i reloaded though....... spooky!

Hey thanks for this! how can i make the announcement show up only on the home page/index page only?

and another separate announcement on the userlist page?

Hello Because it is bad for seo <------ really bad to have the profiles, home page and userlists as they are in punbb i wanted to know how i can add a simple message box or something at the top of the homepgae that bascally could be something that expands via a +


What is our forum about+

*expands box*

Our forum is for discussion about blahaha where you can talk to people about........

And the same for userlists

About our users +

*expand box*

Our users are great because........ blahaha

I dont want these messages for example the home page about to be on every forum page just the homepage index only and same with the userlist message

Also is there any way possible to add the ability for a 300-400 word about me for profiles as profiles seem a little dupilcate content too with the same things repeated... (if lots of people use punbb this duplicate content isnt just on your site but many as well)

Adding these would vastly improve rankings in search engines as it would help eliminate the amount of duplicate content and empty pages that google and search engines dont like

Has anyone got any ideas?


Also the message box obviously has to be view able by a google bot as other wise it is worthless

Edit:Okay iv added some code so i can now have a text box in userlist and also on homepage i have added some text only on homepage aswell using a announcement but does any one know how to create about me on profile now? thanks


(0 replies, posted in PunBB 1.4 additions)

Hello, are there any extension that create a about me section for the profile page... so it creates a bigger box where users can type around 300-500 words in about me section? I have tried nya fields however it doesnt seem to be working for me as it doesnt show the bio: write something about yourself here text next to the field plus you can only write so much in the box.. (also i have to put something in the address box to get it to work for me other wise it gives me a error)

any help?


How can i make it so only admins can upload avatars in punbb 1.4? i have got the gravatar plugin working however you have to tick the allow users upload avatars but i dont want normal users uploading only admins... any ideas? thanks. I cann delete the avatar directory but it looks a bit odd saying would you like to upload a avatar and always giving a error? how can i somehow delete this option?

In other words.. how do i make upload avatar disappear
thank you

ah cool  no upload buttons! worked it out the avatar page now is just a list of instruction telling people how to make a gravatar avatar and how to use it.. would of been better if i could have merged the avatar and gravatar pages together if anyone knows how?

Hello, i recently installed a gravatar plugin for punbb 1.4 however this was 1.3 version i was wondering does punbb take time for the avatars to start showing? even just the defualt monsterid avatars? at the moment nothing is showing?


Hello, I been trying to work out how i can make it so only users can have remote gravatar avatars using the gravaatra extension and only admins are the ones who can upload avatars. I really don't want people uploading pictures onto my server.

Anyway has anyone got any suggestions?

i tried

http://punbb.informer.com/forums/topic/ … -by-admin/

But i couldn't find what to edit because probably a older version..

Also has any one got any suggestions for remote avatars on punbb 1.4?



Hello the download link in the above page for the url instead of upload for avatars has gone down?

Or has anyone got any extension download links from older versions (that i can simply change version in manifest file) that will disable the ability for users to upload to the server and instead use a url instead for avatars?

Please help? my forum is avatarless

Thanks smile


(8 replies, posted in Supported extensions)

Hey this sounds great but what about if you turn of allow avatars to disable the users from uploading avatars? can i use this extension in some way so that users cannot upload on server avatars but can have gravatar avatars though?

thank you

i tried it but no avatars show up?


(75 replies, posted in Supported extensions)

yeah the modified older version


(75 replies, posted in Supported extensions)

I think i have fixed it now thank what i basically used was

the 1.3 version of http://punbb.informer.com/forums/post/137433/#p137433 for v1.4 of punbb which gives me 1 question only at regsiter i think when i do get in a lopp of unlimited question it might be due to me being logged into more than one account and the cookies get confused? anyway

Thanks for punbb.. now no spam whatso ever for me smile


(75 replies, posted in Supported extensions)

Does any one know how to stop the questions when some ones posts and just when its doing register?

As some times when i try to post on my forum i get stuck with unlimited questions being asked...

Just need 1 question once on the registration


(75 replies, posted in Supported extensions)


Does this extension just do for registration and not posting? How can i set it so it only asks users once the question when registering? Thanks smile