I need some help.

I resently upgraded from 1.2.7 to 1.2.14 and added some other mods while doing that.

Now I users dont get a notification that they have new PM's.

Before there was a message up by login name that said something like "you have a new PM"

The message mod seem to work as it should beside that I dont get the alertments of new PM's.



I tracked down the problem


Was missing from header.php.

Some way it got erased when I installed new addons.

Can anyone tell me how to add this to the side of the forum, ie not over or under.

I want it in a box next to forum preferly right side of the forum

Some questions.

How do I remove the Navigation and the online users since I dont want that.

I also would like to have some sort of grafhic between each news.

I dont know much about PHP.

Also where do I change the width on the new.


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Hmm this is strange.

I walked around trying some other computers at work and they did work. Seems to be sort of local on my computer.

If I use the IP it works, if I use the URL it doesn't work.

I am affraid that others will have the same problem.

Might also add that it works as it should if I use Firefox.

I couldn't even logon to PunBB.org board on my computer after I reseted my cookies.


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Did not work.

I removed there "//" in the P3P section.

I still can't login if I am not using the domain redirect.

Would like a fix to this since I dont like to have a ipadress a my main adress. sad


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

I have a forum setup but when I cloak the ipaddress I cant login with IE 6, works with Firefox.

If I unhide adrees and show ip instead it work.

Any ideas?


(11 replies, posted in Archive)

Ja alla har regat sig som dom skall på ett forum

Forumet var ganska aktivt, runt 25000 inlägg.

Nu blev det problem med guilden och dom hackade min server.

Jag hotade med att anmälla killen som hackade mig och som har stulit hela databasen.

Nu retalierar dom med att vilja anmälla mig. Kul killar dom här kallade jag kompisar för någon vecka sedan.


(11 replies, posted in Archive)

Jag hade ett forum som det gick snett med. Ett world of Warcraft forum.

Jag hostade allt på min server. Jag har nu stängt det forumet.

Men en av killarna på forumet hotar med att anmälla mig till PUL för att det finns ip adresser registrerade.

Jag har deletat allt nu.

Behöver jag bry mig?

I am running several forum on my site for some World of Warcraft guilds.

But the problem is when I switch between the forum it keeps asking me to login even though I say I want to always be loged in.

This is kindof anoying. Does it have anyting to do with cokies?

Can someone help me here and tell me what to do.

Never mind I found out how I was suppos do.

    if ($cur_post['num_posts'] >= 5000) {$rank_icon = 'star10.gif'; $rank_alt = 'King of the Forum';}
    elseif ($cur_post['num_posts'] > 2000 && $cur_post['num_posts'] < 5000) {$rank_icon = 'star9.gif'; $rank_alt = 'Elite Master Troller';}
    elseif ($cur_post['num_posts'] > 1500 && $cur_post['num_posts'] < 2000) {$rank_icon = 'star8.gif'; $rank_alt = 'Grand Master Flamer';}
    elseif ($cur_post['num_posts'] > 1000 && $cur_post['num_posts'] < 1500) {$rank_icon = 'star7.gif'; $rank_alt = 'MAster TRoller';}
    elseif ($cur_post['num_posts'] > 750 && $cur_post['num_posts'] < 1000) {$rank_icon = 'star6.gif'; $rank_alt = 'Master Flamer';}
    elseif ($cur_post['num_posts'] > 500 && $cur_post['num_posts'] < 750) {$rank_icon = 'star5.gif'; $rank_alt = 'Troller';}
    elseif ($cur_post['num_posts'] > 250 && $cur_post['num_posts'] < 500) {$rank_icon = 'star4.gif'; $rank_alt = 'Flamer';}
    elseif ($cur_post['num_posts'] > 100 && $cur_post['num_posts'] < 250) {$rank_icon = 'star3.gif'; $rank_alt = 'Senior Member';}
    elseif ($cur_post['num_posts'] > 50 && $cur_post['num_posts'] < 100) {$rank_icon = 'star2.gif'; $rank_alt = 'Member';}
    elseif ($cur_post['num_posts'] > 0 && $cur_post['num_posts'] < 50) {$rank_icon = 'star.gif'; $rank_alt = 'Rookie';}
    else {$rank_icon = 'star.gif'; $rank_alt = 'Rookie';}

I want to do the same but I am a not that good with programing.

I want to add 10 different start at certan number of posts. star images is called "star.gif", "star1.gif", "star2.gif", "star3.gif" and so on up till "star10.gif". I want first star at 50 posts, second at 100, third at 250 forth at 500 and so on.

Could someone help me with the code for that system

bump, need this thing

be able to assign groups. Ie when someone registers they put them in the right group.

But I dont want them to be able to make another person moderator or admin. Thats a task I want the admin to have.

Okey I got a PUNBB board that has grown some, I got about 18000 posts at the present time.

I have been searching the forum but not found what I am looking for.

I know there inst any multigroup built in and I dont dare to try the addon if that would screw up the forum so what i did was create alot of groups instead.

Now What I need is to make 3 of them to Moderator groups, is it possible?''

This forum is for World of Warcraft and I am looking for a cool feature.

What I would like is to have so you can have a drop down meny in your "Profile" that tells what class you are, Ie Warror or simmilar and that that is shown under your Name when you reply or post.

One more thing. I am using the addon that gives you stars when you reach certan post counts, what I would like is to not that it should add a new star when you reach the next level but show a different star (I have all stars)
Check thies start http://vnboards.ign.com/Help/Faqs.aspx#stars