Hi! We're Mobile Playhouse and we've chosen PunBB for our forums. However, we've got a lot of questions about it and we'd like to have them answered. However, there doesn't seem to be an existing forum.
Also, a lot of people complain about the security of your forums, is there some fix for this?
I'm the webmaster, and for some reason I don't like FluxBB, and since it was based on your software, I installed yours. Any fixes for our two questions?
EDIT: Also, maybe administrators should be able to change others' email addresses. It doesn't seem to be available. By the way, maybe on these forums, Junior Members should be able to delete their own posts.
On my own forums on my private website, that encouraged a lot of this:
EDIT: Post deleted.
Last edited by cooldude1234
Which is why we should be able to delete our own posts.
EDIT PS: Um, it's a silent edit?