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Version 1.2.0 of the plugin is just out.
kudataz wrote:yes, now its ok..
the cache setting before i think the problem.
if refresh hooks or upgrade the popup wont load.
but i've uninstall n install again its work perfetcly.. 
maybe popup load to the center window view is good #suggest 
I don't quite understand that. Maybe the problem is in your browser? This plugin works on a huge offroading forum, and there were no complaints on that popup issue.
oia, why gugelmap dont include in this extension sir?
There are instructions for adding a google maps: . Basically, you'll have to install another extension.
kudataz wrote:the 114 version wont load windows popup..?
It's strange. Does your browser display any errors? What does it do instead of showing a popup window?
Yesterday I released version 1.1.2 of an extension for adding maps to your forums. It seems nobody reads 1.3 topics :) Maps are not Google's, entire software stack is open-source and completely included, with no external dependencies and developer keys. Download it from its GitHub repository: … aster/dist
Official site for MapBBCode library, which was used to make this extension, is .
The extension was tested with PunBB 1.3, 1.3.4 and 1.4.2. It was installed on the largest offroading forum in Russia a week ago (no link, since I have no permissions for that. Find it youself).
I've just released the first version of an extension for adding maps to your forums. Those are not Google's, entire software stack is open-source and completely included, with no external dependencies and developer keys. Download it from its GitHub repository: … aster/dist
Official site for MapBBCode library, which was used to make this extension, is .
The extension was tested with PunBB 1.3, 1.3.4 and 1.4.2. I'm not sure if I need to copy this topic to PunBB 1.4 forums, and to which subforum exactly.
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